Search results

  1. Shannon50

    Imagine a world where we all reached out like Jesus does

    This is a thread of edification and unification! Share advice, stories of encouragement where God has gotten the Glory as we've worked as "fisher's of men" in our Communities of Faith.
  2. Shannon50

    Healing from Divorce

    Life has pressed in on me Has forced itself upon me somehow And I feel asharmed that I could not stop it From taking over and overwhelming me. Before, I was part of a strand, made stronger as we were two, intertwined. But all the while it was three pieces intertwined that would not be easily...
  3. Shannon50

    Corrupting Conservative Christian Men and Thinking about Pizza...

    This sounds like an odd thread, I know-- but for some reason, both the corruption of Conservative Christian Men and pizza are on my mind tonight. Just looking for encouragement for others regarding these strange, twisted thoughts... :D :D
  4. Shannon50


    Just wondering if anyone has done cruises, retreats, bus tours, vacations, ect. as as single--I've been thinking about treating myself to something novel after a really stressful two years-- anyone have experiences, advice to share?
  5. Shannon50

    Who were the Nephilim

    Just putting it out there-- I've done a little research and I wanted to know if anyone has a take on The Nephilim, who they were, (what/ when /where/ why?) They are first mentioned in Genesis 6 4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the...
  6. Shannon50

    My worries seem to overwhelm me

    Just looking for some encouragement; some sense that I am not alone in how I am feeling. I am a newly divorced- full time working mom with two preschoolers. I was seperated for two years before everything was finalized. I have seen God's hand in every step of this transition for me; but it...
  7. Shannon50

    Introducing Me (never been a part of a chat room thingy before)...

    Hi Everyone, Just thought it might be nice to connect with some new friends and be able to hang out in my pj's at the same time! Looking forward to some fun banter, and encouraging each other in Christ