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  1. HopeinHim98

    Is this possible

    I don't want to get off topic but noticed something I wanted to address. You said we know it wasn't real what happened to Job because we see he never lost his family. I would see it that God blessed him with a new family. It says in Job 42:12, So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than...
  2. HopeinHim98

    Need family advice

    My encouragement is similar to Dino's. Live to please God, not man, tho I'm sure it hurts to be treated that way. Will say a prayer for you.
  3. HopeinHim98

    Newbie from Italy

    Hi and nice to meet you... What grades do you teach?
  4. HopeinHim98

    Recipe for a a great coffee (for the thirsty)

    I'm not sure if they sell it at a place like Wal-Mart... Kroger might have it or a natural foods store. Yeah it's not always good if I get more talkative cuz I'm not too quiet to begin with. Lol. Okay, that's neat you make your own tea. We've done that too with like mullein. A couple summers...
  5. HopeinHim98

    Recipe for a a great coffee (for the thirsty)

    Yeah I know sometimes coffee makes me extra talkative lol! I'm not a conniseur of coffee for sure, but I do prefer organic if I'm drinking real coffee. A lot of times I drink Caffix, a natural coffee substitute. I like iced coffee sweetened with honey but I usually don't sweeten hot drinks...
  6. HopeinHim98

    Hi. New here.

    Hola Rozeli:) Dios te bendiga
  7. HopeinHim98

    Recipe for a a great coffee (for the thirsty)

    I've heard a lot of caffeine is hard on your adrenals. Is that true? I don't drink much coffee but like to every so often.
  8. HopeinHim98

    The Holy Trinity

    Even though I believe scripture makes it clear there is a distinction and an authority in the Godhead, Jesus (or Yeshua) is called God a couple different places. Elohim is plural. Jesus said he is one with the Father. I see different ditches people can fall into with this subject when we don't...
  9. HopeinHim98


    Welcome Alice, nice to meet you.:) Hope you enjoy your time here.
  10. HopeinHim98

    Submit and Obey

    I believe both of those situations (the former being fornication and the latter I don't know the specifics but obviously their consciences were shipwrecked and they were blasphemous) were dealing with sin. And yes, the authority in our lives have the right to bring truth to our attention and...
  11. HopeinHim98

    Submit and Obey

    It seems you are automatically assuming no Christian adheres to this particular verse. Is that what you're assuming?
  12. HopeinHim98

    Hey I'm 19

    Or I should say I wasn't paying attention.:oops:
  13. HopeinHim98

    how did Satan manage to appear as a snake.

    I know that a sect called Branhamites believe the serpent was a creature that actually had physical relations with Eve. Cain and Abel were alleged twins and Cain was the alleged fruit of her union with the "serpent". Called the serpent seed doctrine. Definitely seems to be adding to and twisting...
  14. HopeinHim98

    Hey I'm 19

    Wow thanks for pointing that out. Shows who's really paying attention. Yes she really does seem like she needs help. Let's pray for her.
  15. HopeinHim98

    Submit and Obey

    I have been to churches that believe they have the authority to make man-made rules a prerequisite for church membership. And they will use verses like the one in the OP to support their position.
  16. HopeinHim98

    Submit and Obey

    Paul said Follow me as I follow Christ. That is the only way we can submit to a church authority is if they are already truly following Christ.
  17. HopeinHim98

    how did Satan manage to appear as a snake.

    It is true that there is much figurative language used in the bible, but that is primarily in the poetry and prophecy books. Genesis is a history account. As far as I know the history books in the bible don't use much figurative language.
  18. HopeinHim98

    Keith B

    Welcome back. I took a little break too.
  19. HopeinHim98

    Hey I'm 19

    Hi Anna nice to meet you!:)