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  1. J

    Calvinist Kitchen...stirring the pot

    Man IS given a decision ALL Armenians accept this idea. Honestly, man is depraved and we know that, because of original sin. When it comes to the calling of the Holy Spirit. Man either accepts that calling IN FAITH or Denies it, its a simple truth if you think about it. and because he has faith...
  2. J

    Calvinist Kitchen...stirring the pot

    Speaking of limited atonement.... that is honestly the LEAST likely of T.U.L.I.P SUBSTITUTIONARY ATONEMENT According to the Scriptures, sin must be paid for.1 When Jesus Christ died, he suffered as a substitute in the place of and on behalf of fallen humanity. Christ's death made it possible for...
  3. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

  4. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

    Good to know
  5. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

    That of the sacrifices, rites, and festivals. Not of the Ten Commandments.
  6. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

    But we should remember what law Christ fulfilled
  7. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

    I agree.... but @Dino246 seems to be saying that there is no distinction of the Moral, Civil or Ceremonial
  8. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

    all of them? or the ones concerning sacrificial atonement?
  9. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

    well which laws were done away with?
  10. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

    Here is my basis
  11. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

    Which Laws Apply? by R.C. Sproul To this day, the question of the role of the law of God in the Christian life provokes much debate and discussion. This is one of those points where we can learn much from our forebears, and John Calvin’s classic treatment of the law in his Institutes of the...
  12. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

    Francis Turretin, one of Calvin’s successors at Geneva in the middle years of the seventeenth century, has written: The law given by Moses is usually distinguished into three species: moral (treating of morals or of perpetual duties towards God and our neighbour); ceremonial (of the ceremonies...
  13. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

    Chapter 19 - Of the Law of God. Section 1.) God gave to Adam a law, as a covenant of works, by which He bound him and all his posterity to personal, entire, exact, and perpetual obedience; promised life upon the fulfilling, and threatened death upon the breach of it; and endued him with power...
  14. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

    I believe that the Sabbath is binding to the Christian on the basis that: Since the beginning, God rested on the seventh day which would later be made into the 4th of the Ten commandments. "How many commandments are contained in the Ten Commandments? Does that sound like a foolish question...
  15. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

  16. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

    Does that include the Moral Law or the Ceremonial or even the Civil? what is the Extent of Christ fulfillment of it?
  17. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

    And then was reiterated in Exodus 16:20, and then Established as Law in the Ten Commandments. Written in stone, not on paper as the other laws kept by the Israelites. So it was definitely separate from everything else including the Ten Commandments.
  18. J

    Sabbath Obligation?

    We have to remember that the Sabbath was established way before the Mosaic Law. Correct?