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  1. M

    Blessings to all from South Australia

    Thankyou for your welcome. It is a shame that hearts and minds are closed to Catholicism in such a way. I'm not here to try and change anyone's beliefs, but rather share a common love for Christ.
  2. M

    Blessings to all from South Australia

    Thankyou and may the peace of Christ's love be with you always :)
  3. M

    The shroud of Turin... Authentic or fake???

    I remember this specific point being addressed at Sunday school when I was a kid with the story of the resurrection. Put very briefly, Jesus was put in a tomb in quite a hurry because he died late in the afternoon on Friday. The next day was the Sabbath, meaning they could not do any work to...
  4. M

    Do catholics worship God or the pope?

    No, I'm not offended. Being Catholic puts a target on your back out there in the rest of the Christian community because there is a lot of misinformation out there about it. There are problems with it yes and there is a dark side to it too. But Just remember, I am here because I want to be and...
  5. M

    Do catholics worship God or the pope?

    Absolutely yes I can agree with that. I feel it is what I have been trying to say all day :) In a nutshell, I am from the Catholic Church, but I am not bound to it. After my first awakening in 1993 I never considered myself exclusively RCC, just a participant whom loved those outside just as...
  6. M

    Do catholics worship God or the pope?

    Okay, my last reply for the day. I completely agree with you on all of the above. Maybe I should share a little of my faith journey with you, so you can understand where I come from. #1 I was born, baptised and confirmed in the RCC as per tradition. #2 Large parts of the RCC are dead wood -...
  7. M

    Hola, brothers and sister in Christ

    Welcome to the fray, and the second Catholic in a day haha. I hear what you mean about the your self definition too. I identify as Catholic because it's faith we tend to born and raised into, and it has a very rich and deep system of belief. Yet on the other hand I adore the freedom and joy in...
  8. M

    Do catholics worship God or the pope?

    I have seen and experienced first hand other wonders that God performs to great crowds of people where Muslim and Christian mix to show the Muslims who their saviour is. I will not expand on it here though.
  9. M

    Do catholics worship God or the pope?

    I apologise for missing that. Yes, I am aware of this belief. Further explained it simply means that we here on earth are neither Creator or Judge. Therefore who are we to say that a non believer who has lived a good moral life in the absence of the knowledge of Christ is automatically...
  10. M

    Do catholics worship God or the pope?

    Okay, so. No, Peter was never a Bishop in Rome - I explained why. And by 'Good' Muslim, I mean the ones who are not the Jihadist type that murders Christians for glee and false glory with Allah. I don't care what anyone teaches, I simply cannot believe such evil people could ever receive...
  11. M

    Do catholics worship God or the pope?

    Don't worry, it is I who feel like the lamb among wolves being a Catholic in a Protestant hotbed :) I definitely don't 100% agree with everything the church teaches, but there is a richness of faith in it that I cannot walk away from either. Put simply, I believe that we're all part of the...
  12. M

    Do catholics worship God or the pope?

    No and No. Peter wandered about Jerusalem and the surrounding areas. Nobody really knows where he died. The seat of the Church followed Constantine when he moved to Turkey for a while until it was overthrown by the Islamic invaders (The Hag Sofia is the old Vatican) and the current Vatican...
  13. M

    Blessings to all from South Australia

    Thankyou and may the love and peace of our saviour Jesus Christ be upon you too!
  14. M

    Do catholics worship God or the pope?

    That is not the Muslim plan of Salvation. It is a statement saying that a good Muslim is not precluded from it because they believe in the God of Abraham. As do the Jews. And all Christians. Our bible teaches us that they would have to accept Jesus, as does yours, because it is the same bible...
  15. M

    Do catholics worship God or the pope?

    How about you read what I have posted in here already before I get stuck in a self repeating loop.
  16. M

    Do catholics worship God or the pope?

    Am I not in a Christian faith forum? Why would I want to believe in Islam? They don't even believe Jesus died upon the cross!
  17. M

    Blessings to all from South Australia

    Thankyou Gideon and may Jesus be with you always.
  18. M

    Transgenderism is a mental disorder

    I don't understand transgenderism, but I will say this; we are all children of God and none of us are without fault or sin. Therefore we need to respect that a transgender person feels the way they do and accept them as who they are. Jesus did it with the tax collectors and prostitutes after...
  19. M

    Blessings to all from South Australia

    Praise be God and Yes, I love Jesus, and the Trinity. I've seen and heard many wonders in their name. May the Grace of our loving father be with you, may the salvation of Christ be upon you and may the Holy Spirit kindle the fire of love within your heart always!