Search results for query: Catholicism vs Protestantism

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  1. T

    Back-loading Works into the Gospel:

    With permission, can i use this on another forum please?
  2. wattie

    Back-loading Works into the Gospel:

    Amen, eternal salvation is initial belief in Jesus as God who saved us from our sins. We cant clean up our lives before eternal salvation to get it. When we do get given eternal life, it's not that we WILL do good works after. There will be fruit from being given eternal life, but that is...
  3. G

    Back-loading Works into the Gospel:

    It will be great if more Christians distinguish between salvation and rewards. But now, salvation for all of us is based on the finished work of Christ on the cross, we just need to believe it. Works done after salvation counts for rewards, as long as we are building them on the right...
  4. T

    Back-loading Works into the Gospel:

    This is the majority of Christendom sadly.
  5. ChosenbyHim

    Back-loading Works into the Gospel:

    Back-loading Works into the Gospel: Front-Loading works into the Gospel would like something this: “For you to be saved you have to be willing to give up your life first” “You need to stop sinning and live holy, or else you cannot be saved” “In order for you to be saved, you need to be...
  6. T

    Who Has Never Doubted?

    ...resurrection. I do have some doubts on the major Christian doctrines, especially where there are disagreements (for ex. Catholicism vs Protestantism), where everyone thinks they have the right answer, but I believe they were taught to think that way based on how they were raised or if they...
  7. J

    Why do Catholics receive so much hate???

    Further to my last post, as regards the reason why this occurs is quite simple, hatred, bigotry and sectarianism occurs in believers and the unsaved because of carnality as they are works of the flesh. 1Cor 3v1-8, Gal 5v16-26.
  8. PC123

    Why do Catholics receive so much hate???

    I was most moved by your post my friend. I don't know much about the Christian wars in N Ireland and i don't want to know because it's just so heart wrenching to see and hear how the evil one has divided us in the past. All I know is that many Christians killed each other over there, more than...
  9. J

    Why do Catholics receive so much hate???

    I live in a part of the UK called N Ireland, it has suffered the most bitterest bigotry and sectarianism for 100's of years, and in 1969 "the troubles" started, I lived through all of this, so I have seen this at its worst when so-called "Protestants" go out and murder innocent Roman Catholics...
  10. Mattathias

    What does it "REALLY" mean that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?

    As I’ve documented, it comes to us from the Council of Chalcedon. It is embraced by Catholicism and Protestantism. It’s not my view. It’s the view of historical orthodox trinitarianism. It’s the view of Catholicism and Protestantism which you are calling “corrupted by wrong premise”. Thank...
  11. B

    Christian Survey

    I'm gonna try to articulate the meaning behind the statement that she and I have made: Jesus did not come to start a new religion. It was something the Spirit of the Lord brought to my mind and it was like a veil lifting. God set apart a physical/biological nation of peoples to use to...
  12. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    I hear what you're saying! the situation reminds me of this 34 Then Peter replied, “I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. 35 In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right.
  13. P

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    I would that Catholicism is Protestantism filled with traditions and godly reverence for the people that was with Jesus. They say that Mary is Jesus actual God mother and even pray to Mary. They call priests father, they think communion is with Jesus real blood and real flesh. There are alot of...
  14. B

    Not By Works

    I agree there were many who understood the gospel, and in the context of the Catholic teachings on penance and topics such as the sacrifice of the mass and deeds of merit/treasury of merit Luther was absolutely more in line with it than the Catholic church either then or now. But the gospel is...
  15. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    here's what I think happened you asked this question I gave a lengthy answer here and you quote part of that in post 2387 in...
  16. B

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    The proper (and polite) thing is to call a Church by the name it calls itself and not invent your own name for it. See post #2008
  17. Nehemiah6

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    Since the bishop of Rome is the head of this church, and his seat of authority is within Rome, it is indeed the Roman Catholic Church, which is a breakaway from the Orthodox Church. According to Britannica: "Alternative Title: Roman Catholic Church Roman Catholicism, Christian church that has...
  18. Dan_473

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    well, not technically wrong, no. if the original document was in Latin, were the commas there? I don't even know if Latin uses commas! if someone finds a term insulting, I'm happy to use a different term. at the same time, on a public forum like this with lots of people from different...
  19. Magenta

    Catholicism vs Protestantism

    You are welcome, Dan :) Would you agree, then, that @Bede was wrong to claim "Do you realise that that calling the Catholic Church (CC) the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) was a pejorative term invented by Protestants at the Reformation and therefore not only incorrect but insulting" ? Since a pope...