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    ~Chuckle for the Day~

    The day before Thanksgiving a man goes to a pet shop and buys a talking parrot. He takes the parrot home and tries to teach the parrot how to say a few things, but instead, the parrot just swears at him. After a few hours of trying to teach the bird, the man finally says: "If you don't stop...
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    Great idea. Long haired cats fur is for the birds

    Beautiful. I couldn't help myself.:ROFL:
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    Great idea. Long haired cats fur is for the birds

    Maybe a furphobe? :giggle::LOL:
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    Does Jesus and God have a sense of humor?

    That first word was suppose to say, Here. That link shows Jesus' humor in 5 different styles in the Bible.
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    Becomes Trump a dictator?

    That video host is obnoxious. I couldn't watch the whole thing.
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    Does Jesus and God have a sense of humor?

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    Do our beloved relatives who have passed away see us who are living?

    Luke 9 talks about Moses and Elijah meeting with Jesus. So, being they were dead already it would seem they knew where to find our Lord despite that.
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    What are the arguments against Premill?

    Would you define premillennialism please?
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    Great idea. Long haired cats fur is for the birds

    Egyptian Sphinx cats are hairless. Very unique cats. With lots of sweaters. lol For those who have long haired cats, Angoras, Himalayan and such,they know how much hair they brush off their fur babies. Giving it to birds to help line their nests beats tossing it in the trash.
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    Becomes Trump a dictator?

    Classic Trump. True then and today. God Bless America.
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    Great idea. Long haired cats fur is for the birds What a great idea.
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    Struggling with 🌽

    Sorry, you're struggling with corn?
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    can you guys post something funny please?

    Well,for me the giveaway that it wasn't a real video but was spliced was when the water ski tow bar he'd been holding disappeared suddenly just before the rocky outcrop scene at the end. I agree,AI and CGI are improving at a rapid pace.
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    Does Jesus and God have a sense of humor?

    Does God have a sense of humor? Obviously.
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    can you guys post something funny please?

    No. That was clearly CGI or some such.
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    can you guys post something funny please?

    Just another state handout. :P
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    Becomes Trump a dictator?

    No,we didn't learn that. I suggested she may be of Ukrainian descent.
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    God. I suggest to look for bible commentaries on bible books and chapters to help with figuring these things out . The bible is written in different grammatical styles or forms. Parables of course. Also simile,metaphor, and allegorical. I found that 2 Thessalonians 2 and verse 6 is referring...
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    Becomes Trump a dictator?

    Thank you for your post. That puts a new light on things and I appreciate your openness. And I appreciate the blessing. I too wish you well. May God also bless you and yours.
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    Becomes Trump a dictator?

    Well in fairness there is this 2024 reporting by the Ukrainian press. Just my thought also here. It may be that our sister @Texasgal is of Ukrainian descent. She could be reading Ukrainian sources...