Search results for query: Mark of the beast

  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: of, the
  1. S

    Is Elon Musk the forerunner for the Antichrist? they changed God's commandment that deals with time? Arrayed in purple and scarlet Rev 17:4 Sits on 7 hills Rev 17:9 The mark of the beast is about worship Revelation 13:4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is...
  2. S

    the Sabbath

    Who wrote these words- God or Ellen? Exo 20:10 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. God wrote these Word personally with His own finger. It cannot be made any plainer. When God's people go away from God's Word- God would always raise up a messenger to bring them back to...
  3. G

    the Sabbath

    Is this the same SDA church that says that worshiping on Sunday will be the mark of the beast? The annihilation of the soul? (No hell). That the soul and spirit are the same thing? And EG White got her theology from dreams and visions? That includes the insistence on worshiping on Saturday.
  4. cv5

    When God comes to visit!... (a look at Genesis 18:1-22:24)

    ...were intentionally breeding NEPHILIM during that time in that region). As it will also be during the 70th week of Daniel and the mark of the beast! ============================================================================== And what is going on here? Something similar I would opine? Jdg...
  5. Wansvic

    Former pentecostal

    Note the exclusion of the word "unknown" in 1 Cor. 14:2 does not change what the scripture goes on to reveal. NO MAN UNDERSTANDS what the Spirit filled person is saying when their renewed spirit speaks directly to God, not even they themselves. Letting go and letting God is an act of faith. 1...
  6. Bible_Highlighter

    7 Year Time line

    Actually, the first two seals would be wars. The first seal is the reveal of the antichrist conquering. First seal: Rider on a white horse conquering: Revelation 6:1-2 "And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts...
  7. B

    7 Year Time line

    The 4th seal is wars. 25% of the people will be killed. by death, Famine beasts of the Earth, Disease and pestilence, I suppose. Nothing to do with the Antichrist. This is the beginning of sorrow. before the 42 months where the beast has full control.
  8. B

    7 Year Time line

    The six seal is where the Antichrist comes to power at the 42 month mark. Once he gets booted out of the heavens. Rev6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; 13 And...
  9. D

    Former pentecostal

    What God's written Word says on the matter of the cloven tongue of Pentecost is one thing, but men's doctrines about it are another. I will show the difference here, and my fellow-brethren in Christ can either take it or leave it. Per Acts 2, the cloven tongue manifested by The Holy Spirit...
  10. Bible_Highlighter

    7 Year Time line

    Revelation 6:7-8: "And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill...
  11. ZNP

    Summary of Bible references on the Rapture Many describe AI as a bigger threat than nuclear weapons. 6. We need Quantum computers and Starlink. To have the mark of the beast controlling what everyone on earth buys and sells you would have to have starlink and Quantum computers. You need the ability to monitor billions of...
  12. ZNP

    Summary of Bible references on the Rapture the reserve currency. This was laying the groundwork for the Central Bank digital currencies which will in turn become the mark of the beast. Woven into this is the development of the radio, TV, internet and social media. These things are essential in having a one world government that...
  13. D

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    What verse do you base your statement that the Antichrist "will be anointed king of Israel" on?
  14. GaryA

    Donald Trump to build new cities

    We also know that the "mark of the beast" will "come into play" necessarily before this 'one hour'; however, this could simply be part of the "final ramp-up" to the fully-in-place NWO.
  15. D

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    No, I don't know who the person in California is that you are referring to. Is he a religious, political, or well known figure ? That the person has to be a Jew is that as the Antichrist, he will be anointed the King of Israel, thought to be messiah by the Jews. "Anti" the prefix meaning...
  16. cv5

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    Indeed they are. Their predecessor "types" (Goliath, Nebuchadnezzar, Absalom, Judas etc) were also men. And Goliath (Gol of Gath the Nephilim) was literally a "Satan-man", as was Judas, also a "Satan-man". People fail to understand that the final form of the "Satan-man", who will possess vast...
  17. B

    7 Year Time line

    ...verse. But it didn't seem to merit it this time. Blessed is he that comes to the one 1335 days Anybody left on Earth after. the mark of the beast And the plagues that go with that. Then the pouring out of the wrath of God, the vials. . Anybody that survives that and gets to the 1335 days...
  18. Magenta

    Some thought about "Jews"

    I recommend listening to Steve Gregg teaching on the three views of hell. He also has a book (actually two, the second is a reprise of the first with extra info added) but you can find the teaching via YT and also on his own site, Most people believe that hell is the final...
  19. J

    Some thought about "Jews"

    Honestly, I pray for this to be true …. I seriously feel that an eternal punishment is too harsh, for my human brain to wrap around. . Even for the worst of human beings like Hitler.. however I believe this point of view is the minority among Christians scholars.
  20. 2ndTimeIsTheCharm

    Is Elon Musk the forerunner for the Antichrist?

    Elon is the one working on Neuralink which might be the mark of the beast on the forehead. But we'll see. *Shrug* It might be something else. I hope his Neuralink has nothing to do with the mark. He's likeable! But if it is the mark on the forehead, of course, I won't take it or the one on the...