Search results

  1. Sho125

    Bad things

    Why is there still bad things like deaths, pain, suffering, disabilities, illnesses, diseases and other bad unpleasant things still happening in this world today when they have been going on for so very very long and when they should have all ended forever a long time ago?
  2. Sho125

    Boyfriends and girlfriends

    Hello everyone is there still any true practicing Christian teenagers from age 13-20 years old with boyfriends and girlfriends this year in the 21st century as I am curious to find out if there is any Christian young people still dating someone else?
  3. Sho125


    Hello everyone is hell where the devil/Satan and the other bad angels are in really eternal meaning lasting forever and forever?
  4. Sho125


    Hello can people lose their salvation if they continue to commit all different types of sins everyday?
  5. Sho125

    Heaven 3

    Hello can people still go to heaven unemployed everyday which means not having a job?
  6. Sho125

    Non religious stuff

    Can people still go to heaven listening to and watching non religious stuff on some days?
  7. Sho125

    Unanswered prayers

    Hello I need to know why God has not answered the rest of my prayers yet which is stop the carbohydrates and other nutrients of foods and drinks which are fats and sugars from putting weight on me everyday at all times permanently right now, continue to protect all of us from serious harm and...
  8. Sho125

    Sex before marriage

    Why is sex before marriage a sin against God?
  9. Sho125


    Can people still go to heaven using the internet everyday?
  10. Sho125

    The tooth fairy

    Hello does the tooth fairy actually exist?
  11. Sho125

    Prayers 5

    Hello when someone’s prayers has been answered by God does it mean that they are going to heaven?
  12. Sho125

    Baptism 3

    Hello has anyone of you been baptised in water before?
  13. Sho125

    Heaven 2

    Can people still go to heaven using the internet everyday?
  14. Sho125

    The devil

    Hello what will happen to Lucifer the fallen angel (Satan, the devil), his angels and people in hell which is way above the sky for when the new earth and new heaven comes?
  15. Sho125


    Can people go to heaven going to church every week and believing in God everyday?
  16. Sho125

    Baptism 2

    Hello everyone do all churches do baptism in water?
  17. Sho125

    Prayers 4

    Hello do you lot pray about the same things everyday like I do?
  18. Sho125


    Hello how many of you adults still watch cartoons?
  19. Sho125

    Prayer 2

    Hello can God answer a prayer which is stop the carbohydrates and other nutrients of foods and drinks from putting weight on me?
  20. Sho125


    Hello do people have to be baptised in water to go to heaven?