Search results for query: adventist

  1. Roughsoul1991

    Seventh Day Adventist

    So I often times have to endure the talking points of my grandmother's Seventh Day Adventist beliefs. Mostly about not keeping the Sabbath or soul sleep. They give me books that their prophet wrote and I always wonder why people in these types of religions put such weight on the words of a...
  2. A

    Any Seventh-Day Adventist Singles?

    I am honestly looking for an Adventist friend, that I can pray with and have common equal ground with. Any relationship should start off as friends. So, please inform if that's you. Please and thank you.. Gracias
  3. sparkman


    ...after being subjected to Sabbathkeeper rhetoric I highly suggest the book Sabbath in Christ by Dale Ratzlaff. It addresses the Seventh Day Adventist claims concerning Colossians 2:16-17. The portion on this is written by Old Testament scholar Jerry Gladson. There is a Seventh Day Adventist...
  4. Cherries

    seventh Day adventist?

    Being on cc for many years I haven't really met any Seventh Day Adventist... so just I wanted to know any Christian Seventh day Adventist here? I am not one but I've watched sermons by seventh day adventist like Doug Batchelor I really love his preachings. Just curious :)
  5. E

    Can Adventist of the 7th day get classes of book of Mormon?

    Can Adventist of the 7th day get classes of book of Mormon? And what to look for in the book of mormon.
  6. S


    It seems paradoxical that the Seventh Day Adventist Church can claim that all Ten Commandments apply today, with a GREAT emphasis on the Saturday Sabbath, yet disregard the commandment in regards to murder by allowing elective abortions in their health care facilities. This has been a practice...
  7. C

    Origins of Seventh-Day Adventist Vegetarianism

    This was a very interesting read about how this came about...I was unaware of how much Eastern religion was influenced in the whole veggie vibe. (pun intended) It seems pretty well researched too. Adventist Health Message
  8. F

    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

  9. F

    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

  10. F

    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

  11. E

    What is Seventh Day Adventist?

    Is it a true Christianity? Or is it all about Ellen White?
  12. B

    Are Seventh Day Adventist the "Remnent Church"

    As a SDA sometimes I get fed up with being called a cult or not Christian. I also know that the Bible teaches that the "remnant church" will be persecuted in the last days. I am also amazed on how many people criticize our teachings without knowing what they actually are. I suggest that those...
  13. P

    Seventh-day Adventist, cult or Christian?

    Greetings in Christ Jesus, This 3 part video series addresses critical teachings by the Seventh-day Adventists which are contrary to the Word of God in the King James Bible, specifically addressing false teachings by SDA champions Doug Batchelor and Walter J. Veith with respect to water baptism...
  14. D

    I would like to Dialog with a Seventh-day Adventist

    I would like to speak to a member of the SDA church who is very well versed in his beliefs.
  15. W

    Hi single SDA looking for same to chat

    Looking for friendly chat. Only SDAs; thank you kindly for respecting this. I am looking for friends to chat with about SDA & how are you?
  16. T

    Finally it's here again! Happy Sabbath everyone!

    Happy Sabbath everyone! It's finally that time a week again. For all of my friends that don't keep the sabbath. We're not saying we're saved by keeping it. We keep it as a result of being delivered from sin. Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the...
  17. M

    who knows where i can find an adventist church in shenyang china

    anyone here know where i can find an adventist church or any christian church in shenyang, china?
  18. 1

    Is historicism the breeding ground for seventh day adventist failed prophecy?

    ...Historicist Interpretation Commentary - A Testimony of Jesus Christ The Thomas Ice Collection Historicism The Pope Invented Futurist...