Search results for query: adventists

  1. Aaron56

    Seventh Day Adventists and Drug Addicts: A Call for Compassion

    ...loss that they would most certainly feel after being disconnected from those with whom they have relationships. Cults, like Seventh-day Adventists, understand this principle, and they use it against their followers. They create a religion of isolation, where, “stepping away” means eviction...
  2. K

    Are 7th Day Adventists Christians

    I have no experience with them. Do they use the KJV?
  3. mailmandan

    Seventh Day Adventists teach that Jesus is Michael the archangel

    Seventh day Adventists teach that Jesus is Michael the archangel and seem to be very firm in their belief. This is what their prophetess, Ellen G. White taught. From what I've also read in their statement of beliefs, they also believe that Jesus is God, which is a contradiction. "For to which...
  4. B

    Seventh-day Adventists

    Is there anybody who would like to ask a question about SDAs or who would just like to ask any Bible question. I am a SDA and so I will try to give everybody a Bible based answer
  5. MessageOfTheCross

    What is the truth about The Seventh-Day Adventists? Christian or Cult

    What truth do we need to know and have not been told?
  6. Y

    Are Seventh Day Adventists a cult?

    Ellen White founded the Seventh-day Adventist church and members must vow to believe that she was a prophet! From the 27 Fundamental beliefs, #17 "The gift of Prophecy: One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and was manifested...
  7. just-me

    Only Seventh Day Adventists responses please

    I am thinking about attending a SDA church. I desire only those who belong to that denomination to answer so I can understand their doctrinal beliefs. These are the issues that I am interested in. 1. teachings of creation. 2. teachings of genealogy. 3. teachings of the covenant with Abraham...
  8. RickShafer

    Attack of the seventh day adventists

    ...flying insects seem to swarm during one evening a year. - (Depending on their species) So this seems to be the day for the seventh day adventists. At least three threads about the sabbath being holier than the rest. - (Even a good friend was carried away by it, but he was already prejudiced...