Search results for query: 2 thes 2

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    The church, Paul agrees, Post Tribulation.

    :) This idea that the "6th seal" and the 26th trump" and the "6th vial" all take place at the same time, is only just so much human reasoning. Even your own words (in these two posts of yours) evidence this. Didn't you just say
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    The truth about the Rapture

    Right. Greek has a word for "to fall"... that Greek word is "pipto". Paul could have easily used that word here if that's what he intended to convey. But he didn12t use that word here. [and that's besides the fact that "great" is not used in this verse either. lol. Note, I realize you are...
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    The Mark of the Beast

    I agree with Omegatime on this point. While it is true that Satan and his angels will be cast down (to the earth) when there are 1260 days remaining till Christ's Second Coming to the earth (Rev19), it is not true that "Satan" IS "the Antichrist / man of sin20 (who I believe will be a 21human22)...
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    Daniel 9 Already Fulfilled

    Bear in mind that, because 23Matt24:4-8 / Mk13:5-8 / Lk21:8-1124 are the same things [at same time-period--including 25earthquakes in divers places and famines and pestilences and nation rising against nation26 (etc)--same as in Lk2127s section before v.1228s 29BEFORE ALL THESE"], and Matthew's text...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Right. BECAUSE v.7 is NOT saying 32WHEN," it is stating the fact of "[rest/repose with us] IN THE REVELATION OF... [and so forth...]" (and notice how 2Th2:10-12's "...God SHALL SEND TO THEM strong delusion THAT THEY should believe the LIE / the FALSE / the PSEUDEI" also speaks of that same...
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    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    I agree that places like Wiki (any website really) can "change their info" whenever and for whatever reason... but also, Wiki doesn't always necessarily have 42all the information" on any given Subject, either. = ) Consider the following, which (for example) provides a certain piece of info...
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    Thief in the Night-- Pretrib or Second Coming?

    Right. Even apart from the phrase "THE departure" (which @Runningman is frequently pointing out his disagreement with the interpretation / definition from Liddell & Scott's Greek-English Lexicon we've supplied many times over :D ), even APART from that section of the sentence, the rest of the...
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    NO falling away…Just a free ride… with Jesus.

    It would not say what you are spelling it out to say. Rather (more like this): "that day [the dotl / trib-judgments (per v.2)] will not be present if not shall have come the departure [our rapture (per v.1)] FIRST, and [distinctly] the man of sin be revealed...52 The man of sin is revealed...
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    One taken,one left. The rapture.

    Well, I wasn't actually speaking to THAT point (and as you may recall, as I've said in the past, I do not believe "our Rapture" will necessarily be a "VISIBLE" event [at least not to EVERYONE], but will more resemble the "pattern" I had pointed out... but I won't go into all that AGAIN here). I...
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    The False Teaching (62 Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    Daniel was told he would be resurrected at the END of the TRIB ['days' referred to IN THAT CONTEXT: vv.1,6-7 (after SECOND HALF of TRIB)]. That is when ALL OT saints (and TRIB saints who DIE in the Trib) will be "resurrected" (they've not been promised "RAPTURE/SNATCH [IN THE AIR]"). How do...
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    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    Yes. And verse 7 reads, "... until out of the midst he BECOME. [8 AND THEN (kai tote) shall that Wicked be revealed...]" 72... the one restraining at present, will restrain, until out of the midst he BECOME [G1096]. AND THEN [kai tote] shall that Wicked be revealed..."
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    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    Yes. The text states, "... because the testimony of us to you was believed IN THAT DAY" (this is not speaking of the Thessalonians themselves... Right!) Paul is CONTRASTING the TWO "beliefs" ppl WILL BE coming to IN / DURING / WITHIN the FUTURE "TRIB" yrs (the other being 2Th2:10-12... "God...
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    Documentary—7 Pretrib Problems and the Prewrath Rapture

    Personally, I do not believe 1Th482s mention of "comfort" is the applicable one (to what was being discussed earlier in the thread, page 2); when it comes to "rapture" passages and the "comfort" word, one should look more to the following examples: --used in 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (context...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    The content of the "false claim" Paul is drawing attention to in 2Th2:2, is: "that the day of the Lord IS ALREADY HERE / IS ALREADY PRESENT [PERFECT indicative - 92PERFECT TENSE - Action completed at a SPECIFIC POINT of TIME in PAST, with results CONTINUING INTO THE PRESENT']" ...THAT ^ (use of...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Hey randyk, Back when you made this ^ post, I had planned to have you consider a couple of posts I'd made on that subject, but time got away from me and I never got back to it... One post is here (on pg 119 of this thread), regarding a quote by "Irenaeus": Post #2362 -...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Right. "The day of the Lord" is ONLY ever located on the earth. And that is the ONLY Subject that Paul is informing in 2:2 about, as to its contents (the contents of the false claim). 2Th1:7-8 "ye who are [being] troubled/oppressed rest/repose with us IN THE REVELATION OF the Lord Jesus from...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Okay, so you're saying that 10223 mss say 'US'--ZERO mss say 'THEM'"... and the 24 elders are saying "...hast redeemed US to God by thy blood out-of EVERY kindred/tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation" ... and that supposedly is proof they are "angels"? (not sure where else in scripture angels...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    I112m NOT saying that. In 2Th2:1 Paul is speaking of that very "event" ("our Rapture" event which will occur at one point-in-time [at/to one "IN THE AIR" location]--that's Paul120s Subject in v.1--SAME as in 1Th4:17). The false conveyors (v.2) were not covering *that Subject*.
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    I *am* defining it within its context. What I am NOT doing (and what others are doing) is, jumping back OVER AND PAST v.2 in order to ascertain what v.3a121s 122NOT123 is speaking to (that is a grammatical issue)... 1243 that day shall NOT be...125 is directly addressing what the false conveyors were...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Aw, come on, man... your memory isn126t *that short* also, is it?? Just a few days ago... I supplied the texts of one Morgan Edwards some 100 YEARS BEFORE *Darby* who ALSO *distinguished* the point in time of our Rapture from the point in time of His 127RETURN128 to the earth (which is ALSO the...