Search results for query: tribulation saints

  1. T

    Are you pre-Trib, mid-Trib, or post-Trib?

    Right, but didn't you ALSO say that's when "the wedding feast / supper of the Lamb" also takes place?? It seems you said BOTH take place AFTER the Trib. [I'm explaining why the text itself does not reflect such a notion. Nor do the "illustrations" in the various related texts] Revelation...
  2. T

    Are you pre-Trib, mid-Trib, or post-Trib?

    You really have missed my point. The "wedding FEAST / SUPPER / festivities" only takes place after His RETURN TO THE EARTH; does NOT take place UP THERE... ... and is NOT what takes place upon "our Rapture [IN THE AIR]" (it doesn't take place up there AT ALL--"the wedding FEAST/SUPPER"...
  3. T

    Are you pre-Trib, mid-Trib, or post-Trib?

    "The Bride / Wife [SINGULAR]" (v.7; UP THERE WITH HIM) is NOT the INVITED "guests [PLURAL]" ("having been INVITED [perfect participle]" v.9, all throughout the Trib yrs on the earth); "The Bride / Wife [SINGULAR]" is the ONLY ONE to/for/about whom "THE MARRIAGE" itself pertains (and it will...
  4. T

    Are you pre-Trib, mid-Trib, or post-Trib?

    Consider: --"the wedding FEAST / SUPPER / FESTIVITIES" takes place upon His "RETURN" to the earth, and IS "the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom age" (or at least, its inauguration); --so, yes, ALL "saints" will BE PRESENT to enjoy it (some as "the Bride/Wife [singular]"...
  5. T

    Are you pre-Trib, mid-Trib, or post-Trib?

    No, you seem to have missed my point, where I'd made the point that ANY MEMBER of the Church which is His body (throughout its entire existence on the earth, since the first century... and up till "our Rapture") CAN (at any given moment or spans of time) EXPERIENCE "tribulation" and...
  6. T

    Are you pre-Trib, mid-Trib, or post-Trib?

    As a pre-tribber, I am always pointing out that "the Church which is His body" has been experiencing "persecutions and tribulations" (and even martyrdom) THROUGHOUT its entire existence on the earth from the first century (some near 2000 years, to this point). We are not WAITING for the future...
  7. T

    Are you pre-Trib, mid-Trib, or post-Trib?

    From how I am reading what "GRACE_ambassador" wrote in his post, I don't believe he said "NO saint will suffer wrath"; instead, he said "The Church WHICH IS HIS BODY" is who was (in particular) promised not to suffer wrath (1Th5:9; 1Th1:10, etc)... not all other saints of all OTHER time...
  8. T

    The church, Paul agrees, Post Tribulation.

    Right ("and SO [in this manner] shall we ever be WITH [G4862 - UNIONed-with] the Lord"; note: a DISTINCT "with"-word from that of, say, the "G3326 - with / ACCOMPANYING [Him]" said of the "5 [wise] VirginS [PLURAL]" whom He is NOT "MARRYING"!! ;) [note: I'm not saying the "G3326" word is never...
  9. T

    The church, Paul agrees, Post Tribulation.

    [note: I will TRY to fit my responses into just TWO posts... but it may take THREE... we'll see :) ] Sounds like an argument from something like D. MacPherson's book [/publications], which argument I believe is flawed: --Ezek13:20 is NOT a "rapture" context; --Ezek13:20 is making the point...
  10. T

    Rapture timing matters?

    I was also going to make a quick point (as to my earlier reasonings as to why these aren't waiting for "Rapture')... hope to make this point very briefly (with bullet points[?], hoping to be succinct since you seem to be tracking okay with what I'm saying--even if you choose not to agree... it's...
  11. T

    June 10th, 1967

    I'd have to refresh my memory by reading it again myself... but taking what you say here (if this is indeed the case that these two sentences are placed one after the other in that text), let's put the two sentences together (and then I'll explain what I'm seeing... what I believe the point is...
  12. T

    June 10th, 1967

    Right. In this sentence ^ , I see no reference to "the GREAT tribulation" in particular (meaning, that aspect which commences at the MID-point of the 7 years [/the 2nd half]), when they will do the "FLEE [active]" thing (Matt24:15,16,20,21 and Rev12:6,14); but is instead speaking of "[prior to]...
  13. T


    ^ @Thunderrr-mental , No, we are not in "the great tribulation," as the "abomination [singular] of desolation [singular]" that both Jesus and Daniel in Dan12:11 spoke of, HAS NOT YET TAKEN PLACE (it WILL take place, commencing about 3.5 yrs [and lasting only that long] before Daniel and all OT...
  14. T


    Right. And even Irenaeus wrote of same, "way back"... but wrote this well-after the events of 70ad: [quoting Irenaeus] "[...] a king of a most fierce countenance shall arise, one understanding [dark] questions, and exceedingly powerful, full of wonders; and he shall corrupt, direct, influence...
  15. T


    @Thunderrr-mental 's Post #579, yes, of course... v.14 states, "These are they which came out of [coming out of the] great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb" speaks of those (of the nations, v.9 [see the Matt24:14 / 26:13 msg/witness sent...
  16. T

    Hay, wait for me.

    I don't disagree. But they "come to faith" (in Christ) prior to Christ's Second Coming to the earth (i.e. IN / DURING / WITHIN the Trib yrs, they come to faith in Christ); only "believers / saints / the righteous / the WISE [see also Dan12:3,10a] / the BLESSED" will be permitted ENTRANCE into...
  17. T

    Hay, wait for me.

    Consider: --the mid-trib point is at the "5th Trumpet / 1st Woe unto the earth" (not the 7th Trumpet), so the "AOD" at mid-point (and when the "man of sin [AC]" seats himself in the temple, 2Th2:4b) occurs at the 5th Trumpet (along with some other significant events); --the 2 Witnesses are...
  18. T

    Daniel 9 Already Fulfilled

    :) Besides, if you'll notice what I'd put in that post (Post #271) was this quote... [...] ... notice in my elaboration Post #271), I KEPT THE SAME ORDER except for Point #8 ("Time of Tribulation") which I explained STARTS at (and includes) #3 and goes through #9 (ending with Christ's...
  19. T

    Hay, wait for me.

    "Your thoughts." 1) Paul states in 1 Thessalonians 5:10, when referencing an eschatological salvation [addressed to "the Church which is His body" / us / believers in "this present age [singular]"]: "Who died for us, THAT, whether we might watch [G1127; same Grk word and meaning as in v.6] or...