Search results for query: pretrib

  1. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    That's very big of you, and I appreciate you hearing me out and following up by investigating it. = ) Thank you both for clarifying your positions and correcting any misunderstandings between you. I appreciate this very much. = ) [let me just add... it is a very easy thing on discussion...
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    Another question for pretribulationist in view of 2 Thessalonians 1:7?

    I haven't seen this thread till now. = ) And btw, deja vu... I feel like I've addressed this question numerous times in many past threads. = ) I'll attempt it again... but will make it very brief this time... --Verses 7 and 8 go together (time-wise); Verse 9's "who SHALL BE punished with"...
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    Only Jews Survive Trib as Mortals in a Pretrib Scenario

    I'm not aware of any pre-tribbers here who say this (who knows); but in the event that you've mistakenly taken ME to be saying such :) (not!), I will remind you (what I've presented in many past posts) that Matthew 25:31-34 speaks of the Sheep and goats OF THE NATIONS [plural] (and being...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Again, you are inserting the idea "WHEN Jesus comes back" (there is NO "WHEN" in v.7), where instead it is STATING THE FACT OF "rest / repose with us IN THE REVELATION OF"; you are also inserting "RECEIVES rest [WHEN]" (where just the fact "rest / repose with us IN" is what it states); This is...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    That's TRIB-STUFF (spans of time) 1) This doesn't say "when He comes TO GLORIFY His saints"; 2) THIS IS speaking of His Second Coming to the earth (Rev19), when He sends them away to "everlasting punishment"; But this only speaks of v.9's things (whereas vv.7-8 are the TRIB YEARS which...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    You keep leaving out a very important part of that passage (v.9), which says, "Who [identifying them] SHALL BE [FUTURE tense] punished with everlasting destruction FROM the presence of the Lord, and FROM the glory of His power [10 WHEN He comes TO BE... and TO BE...]" "rest/repose with us IN...
  7. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    I had wanted to comment on the video TITLE, posted in Post #55 (page 3) of this thread (posted by @Radius ), titled "Irenaeus was Pretrib"... ... I did NOT watch the video... ... but I just wanted to say that, based on the title alone, yes, this is what I'd pointed out in a past post... Post...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    How do you interpret Luke 12:36-37,38,40 and context, where v.36 states, "when he will RETURN from the wedding..." THEN "the meal" [G347; same word used in Matt8:11 referring to the earthly MK age]" [for the readers: "the Bride / Wife [singular]" is not the INVITED "guests [plural]"...
  9. T

    Conclusion From Beware the Pseudo-Rapture Doctrine 4

    The only way these 3 verses can be THOUGHT to say what JPT thinks they say, is by doing what JPT is doing in this text: --by mis-defining "that Day" (v.3)... incorrectly substituting "rapture" in place of that [phrase]; --by SMOOSHING TOGETHER "revealed" with "SO THAT he sits as God in the...
  10. T

    Conclusion From Beware the Pseudo-Rapture Doctrine 4

    I have no clue if P.S. (in Ruby123's video) was saying such (that "our Rapture" is found ANYWHERE in Jesus' Olivet Discourse--it ISN'T; That simply was NOT the Subject Jesus was covering ANYWHERE in His Olivet Discourse), so if he was saying that in his video, I as a pre-tribber would thoroughly...
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    Conclusion From Beware the Pseudo-Rapture Doctrine 4

    Okay [ :whistle: ] , so does this mean you believe the ones who were persecuting and troubling the Thessalonians were "recompenced / repaid" back at the time they and the Thessalonians existed on the earth, in their day--in the first century? For the readers: note that this word for...
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    Conclusion From Beware the Pseudo-Rapture Doctrine 4

    Except "pretribbers" do NOT say Jesus "RETURNS" TWO times. (At least not the pretribbers who've been taught / learned correctly). I've pointed out how the word "return" (re: Jesus) speaks of His Second Coming to the earth time-slot (Rev19): --"when he will RETURN FROM the wedding" (i.e. as an...
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    Conclusion From Beware the Pseudo-Rapture Doctrine 4

    I hate to say this... but you keep doing it, so I want to point this out to the readers at least... ... What you are doing is smooshing clauses together and leaving out a vital part in the middle, which makes the sentence say something entirely other than what it actually conveys. Instead, it...
  14. T

    Thief in the Night-- Pretrib or Second Coming?

    What is so "bizarre" about defining "the day of the Lord" as the entire rest of Scripture itself defines it (rather than the faulty way that the "Amill-teachings" make up their own definition of it, here, by their disregarding how Scripture itself defines it)... I don't know how you can classify...
  15. T

    Thief in the Night-- Pretrib or Second Coming?

    That's not "ADDING," that is defining terms and explaining. Something pastors do from pulpits every Sunday, and I don't hear you threatening yours or anyone else's for doing that. ;) :rolleyes:
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    Thief in the Night-- Pretrib or Second Coming?

    I forget... If you don't mind repeating :D , could you remind me what your understanding of the phrase "in the midst of the week" refers to (what time-slot)... iow, it could be expressed, "in the midst of the 7-yr 'Week'"... Also, what are you saying took place at that point, if 34ad is the...
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    Thief in the Night-- Pretrib or Second Coming? :) ), and I must say that I also appreciate the manner in which the question is posed. = ) I gather you would like to understand the pretrib teaching on this particular point, whether or not you ultimately end up agreeing with the viewpoint and explanation. Here's the pretrib...
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    What does "the coming of the Lord" in the NT refer to?

    I addressed the 1Cor15:23 passage in the post at this link: Post #823 (plus several other posts earlier in that thread and also after this one) - We do see the EFFECTS of the Rapture having already taken...
  19. T

    One taken,one left. The rapture.

    As I said, EVERYTHING in Matthew 24:4 ONWARD is covering what will take place FOLLOWING "our Rapture" (i.e. the beginning of birth PANGS = the SEALS at the START of the TRIB YEARS). Jesus, in His Olivet Discourse, is covering the Subject of His Second Coming to the earth (FOR the EARTHLY...
  20. T

    One taken,one left. The rapture.

    Would you say that the first trumpet was also sounded then (on that day) too?