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  1. Abigail97

    Dear Sis,

    The worst part of it Diane is that I saw the signs, but then, it had looked like if I didn't say yes to his proposal I'd have become a laughing stock in my family. A lot of talk was already going on behind me and I also doubted anyone was ever going to show up after him. I was 30 for crying out...
  2. Abigail97

    Dear Bro...

    Dear Bro, How have you been? Like really been, the challenges of life and all? I know some days it gets hard, scary even. Knowing you're a 'male child' and the responsibility that can be attached to that can be overwhelming sometimes. In a world where sometimes integrity...
  3. Abigail97

    God's Love Language

    I read something from someone's post on Facebook and really saw reason with it on a particular day. You know, until you are able to speak the love language of the person you're in a relationship with, you may go as far as moving the globe for the person, and the person would still feel like you...
  4. Abigail97

    Happy Blessed December!

    God created everything within the space of how many days again? And yes, December has more than 3 times the number of days he used... God can still do something amazing in your life this year. I'm trusting Him for help, you should too. Begin your plans from now, while trusting His will to be...
  5. Abigail97

    Not An Afterthought

    That the cares, wants, and needs of this life do not take our eyes away from you Lord, that they do no make you an afterthought... 🙇🏾‍♀️🙇🏾‍♀️🙇🏾‍♀️
  6. Abigail97


    The man with his head in his palms wondering how to go home, face His family and tell them the same story of there being no money to feed, the lady sitting down at the second row of the pew watching the man and woman say 'I Do' to themselves while she who is over 30 years of age has not had...
  7. Abigail97

    I'LL JUST SAY YES / Brian Courtney Wilson

    I'll just say yes You lead the way I'm not afraid of what it means for me to say That this life You gave Is not my own I'm trusting You to hear my yes and lead me on Yes Lord Yes Lord My life is Yours I'll just say yes You lead the way I'm not afraid of what it means for me to say This...
  8. Abigail97


    Dear You, Before you say your 'I do' when the time comes, there must have been a 'Yes Lord!' said in total surrender to your Creator; you asking Him to lead the way, granting you the grace to walk with Him day by day even as He leads the way, living daily for His glory by His...
  9. Abigail97


    She stared intently at me as I spoke and after listening smiled exhaustively. 'Are you sure?' she asked. 'Yes,' I whispered; He has always been and is still on the throne. 'Then why did He allow these occurrences in my life?' she asked looking confused. 'He didn't dear, He really didn't' I...
  10. Abigail97

    A Reminder!

    Romans 13: 11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. 12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. 13 Let...
  11. Abigail97

    It's really a Beautiful Song ❤️

    Truth I’m Standing On / Leanna Crawford Scared, oh I thought I knew scared Now I'm so filled with fear I can barely move Doubts, I've had my share of doubts But never more than right now I'm wondering where are You Here on the edge of fall apart Somehow Your promises Find my troubled heart...
  12. Abigail97


    Sometimes the wait may be long leaving you wondering, sometimes worried, but I want you to be rest assured that God still has plans for you, for your marital life, amazing ones... Don't let the devil use the waiting period to bring depression your way, or make you question God's love for you...
  13. Abigail97

    Blessed New Month!

    The path ahead of us would come with the needed clarity and the blessedness filled in it when we let God hold our hand and walk us into and through it... So when doubts begin to grow, anxiety and concerns crease our brows, it is an evidence that we have taken our eyes off our Father and have...
  14. Abigail97


    She stood under the shed after being seriously drenched by the rain, shivering and waiting for the rain to stop, she placed both palms on her protruding stomach and tears formed in her eyes. She wondered how long she would go through life like this. Still lost in her thoughts, she heard the honk...
  15. Abigail97

    Only Him

    The dainties are not enough, the cities as well... The 'mansions?' you ask... They just wouldn't do The money? It's much needed, but it still wouldn't do... I'd rather not have any of it than have all of it and not have Him What would do...what would really satisfy me? It is Him... Him and...
  16. Abigail97


    Love so divine... Love encompassing... Love as strong as death, is the love of Christ for us. Whatever might have happened, or is still happening, and that has made you to begin to doubt the love of 'The Father,' hard as it may be, even if you have to go on your knees about it, ask that the...
  17. Abigail97


    Love so divine... Love encompassing... Love as strong as death, is the love of Christ for us. Whatever might have happened, or is still happening, and that has made you to begin to doubt the love of 'The Father,' hard as it may be, even if you have to go on your knees about it, ask that the...
  18. Abigail97

    DEAR YOU...

    Dear You, I know you're an adult, and a mature one at that, and there's also the need to prepare for your future in the particular aspect of marriage, but in all, allow the Spirit of God guide you. There are some books you really shouldn't be reading, and videos/movies as well...
  19. Abigail97


    She was one of those sitting in the first three rows, making the view of the bride and groom clearer to her. She watched the whole event, a strong wave of depression washing over her as she did. Dara her friend was sitting close to her and smiled broadly when her phone rang. She didn't need to...
  20. Abigail97

    The Boaz's Virtues

    Boaz was a kinsman of Naomi's husband Elimelech; he was a member of the family of Elimelech. He was a godly man with godly virtues. Boaz was a very wealthy man, |Ruth 2:1| but he didn't let his wealth get into his head. We see in |Ruth 1:3| where he got to where his servant's were and saluted...