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  1. S


    Hello fellow Christians first and foremost I did not come here to divide the body of Christ. I came here to Unite. Hopefully the Holy Spirit will give me the words to say right now, for I have prayed. We can agree in the body of Christ, some believe in the rapture and some believe do not . Yes...
  2. S

    Deadly wound

    I personally believe that the deadly wound is NATO where upon the antichrist will show up and heals the deadly wound. The timing of that makes my case for a revelation six as another marker on the timetable. This is not a test run The war will be followed by inflation and famine, and everybody...
  3. S

    Revelation 6:1

    Hello everybody my name is stan and I didn’t want to beat around the bush and go around other peoples threads to get my message out. So here it is this is where I believe we are in history right now which is not a trial run this is the real deal. We are at the end generation, and to follow it...