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  1. D

    Gaming / Boredom / Alternatives?

    I am a person who does not do well with boredom as I merely remember and mull over the depressing failures of my life or what others have done to ruin my life either by intention or ignorance or accident etc. I like many used to game a lot and that is the only place I had any what seemed like...
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    Mental focus and diabetes/liver?

    I have tried a few things but suffer from a lack of focus, easily thinking about other things, and not doing what I want to do especially due to a lack of motivation also. I also suffer from a bit diabetes as a skinny person and a bit of liver issues. I can only think to do a very long term keto...
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    Consistency help with God.

    I think I have trouble with consistency of emotional control and balance with regards to bible reading and simply like and direction etc. I cannot seem to get into a daily rythym of a simple set of tasks. 1) read a chapter or more per day of the bible, 2) Drink water not sugar etc or hot drinks/...
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    Prayer for family re-unification.

    Some family members are currently with two teen kids and may split permanently / divorce, as the wife has cheated and thought about it for a long time before mentioning it and suddenly dropped it on everyone. She seems a bit delusional or not willing to deal with or think of it in real terms as...
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    I don not know what to do. There are nearly no options for me. College is a no due to no evening courses or employment as well as God seemingly saying no to it also. No work seems to show up for me that I can do. God seems to say no to self employment. And even trading online seems to be banned...
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    Stronger prayer and results

    Hi all, only a useless christian who is getting over whining. I need people to pray that I have a better prayer life with continual stability and results from it as my prayer are the same nearly every day and i do not see why to pray anything else as I cover all bases with a simple prayer. But...
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    Prayer For Job

    Back again. Hi all. Would like to ask for prayer for a job I actually like and is not too burdensome. I don't seem to be able to get one other than something seasonal that no-one wants that's part-time. Unable to afford to do or go anywhere or help with much of anything. I have no life. I live...
  8. D

    Prayer for overcoming sugar and misery.

    Hi, because i am depressed at how bad my life is I tend to turn to sugar and hate my life generally for having no activity, no fun, no excitement, no fulfilment in church or the little it does for church goers in general. Not many people go and it is a bit silent and non-interactive. Even advice...
  9. D

    No idea or effort?

    I seem to have no idea that is desirous enough to perform that is not me doing it for the sake of it in a disheartening way of futile purposelessness. And I stay in bed all morning doing nothing, not even moving, thinking, "what's the point of getting up, I have nothing to do or live for and am...
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    Hi not new but a noobie question?

    How do i delete my messages? Where is the delete button? I have looked for ages and it is not in the "selected" menu at the bottom after all are selected, and it is not in profile settings or similar, so where is it, and why did anyone not put a simple delete option in the messages page (are...
  11. D

    Prayer for getting out of a miserable rut of inaction and apathy.

    I have been lost in what to do without any direction at all. I feel as if my life is meaningless and have made no or very little progress as a Christian in 10 years roughly. I am tired and weary nearly every day of the drudgery of inactivity that has seemingly led me to be "less of a Christian"...
  12. D

    No idea what I am doing?

    Hi, I would just like to ask for a prayer from someone to remove all obstacles in my way, to remove any evil forces holding me back, and for me to receive obvious guidance as to what to do, or not do, as I have literally no idea what I am doing or where I am going anymore. I am nearly 40 and...
  13. D

    Hi, how to delete alert list?

    Looked in alerts and did not see a "mark as read" or other, how do i delete the list?
  14. D

    Positive hopes and blessings in the millenium / heaven?

    Hello, I was wondering if people could list the positive hopes of heaven in the bible, and not our hopes etc, that we have to look forward to. Such as, no more pain or suffering, but more than this. What is heaven like, or the new earth kingdom, what do we do? etc, thanks.
  15. D

    Better prayer life.

    Honestly, my prayer life is poor. I basically pray the same things, as not much changes in my life at present. I meet few people, and little is around. I have little money to travel and go places / cities / towns etc to engage and more etc, and college or other evening things are all shut down...
  16. D

    Delete conspiracy segment if no posts are allowed.

    Yeah, I was thinking it is a waste of time keeping a thread topic of conspiracy theories if no one can comment anymore. I there any particular reason to stop its comments, or to keep it going?
  17. D

    Disliking the bible.

    Hello, I have an issue of not liking my bible as it seems as far as I can tell, that God has led me over about ten years, kept me for about 5+ years in a KJV bible because of corruption issues in new versions, at least for me. I have tried to go back and buy a "new version" but am stopped by a...
  18. D

    Where to get non-osas tracts online / printables etc?

    Basically looking for tracts that include to persevere in the faith(not osas once saved always saved tracts etc), any help appreciated thanks (english language).
  19. D

    Backslider, request prayer for cleansing.

    I backslid a while ago during covid due to many youtube videos on various topics seemingly making the bible contradict fact and truth, and have dealt with some of this for a while causing me to feel a loss of salvation, because of much confusion. From so called scholars, critics, history and...