Search results

  1. SadBunny

    How To Even Meet Someone?

    I'm so confused, especially on how to find someone with similar views and wants. It feels like I can never find someone who's serious, or even looking to say more than 'Hey'. What do you all recommend? It seems like whether in person or online, it just doesn't seem to work. I'd love advice...
  2. SadBunny

    Bible Study?

    Hi friends!! I was wondering if there were any other young adults that maybe had or knew of an online bible study I could attend? I cant attend the one at my university since i'm taking asycn classes and don't live near campus ): but if you know of any that I can join or something, I'd love...
  3. SadBunny

    New User

    Good Afternoon, My friends!! I'm new here, you can call me Bunny for now! I'm 23, and while I am new to this forum, and well, Christianity as a whole, I am always eager to learn and ask questions for better understanding. I hope to meet and talk with several of you lovely individuals <3...