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  1. Andycross

    Attitude to prayer

    Ok I have been looking for the right forum to post this, but ended up coming back here. There are different kinds of prayer such as making known the needs in the form of requests and supplication, or thanksgiving and praise and praise or worship to God & scriptures teach that we the born again...
  2. Andycross


    I'm fedup of all the accusing on here were suppose to love our brothers and sisters not accuse, but all I hear is accusation. And if you try and give some idea and incite then they think your trying to be a profit or holier than though attitude. Nobody listens & think they know it all. Let me...
  3. Andycross

    Young & Older Christians

    I'm finding that because of not being here regular or not talking on the mic, some seem to look at me as as a young Christian. Ok people dont know me, they dont hear me much, but the difference between a Younger christian and an older one maybe experience, but all the same in the fathers eyes...
  4. Andycross

    Why Do Christians Argue and Fight With Other Christians?

    Paul warned Timothy about such things in the church by writing “Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels” (2nd Tim 2:23) because “the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful” (2nd Tim...
  5. Andycross

    Praying for a Sister

    One of our Sister Suneetha in Chat has asked for Prayer for land need in India, the land is needed for teaching children. Please pray for the land to be funded so that this teaching may carry on. I would be very grateful for all that pray. Thank you and God Bless you Andy