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    problems with sexual temptation, if someone is able to help me!!!

    Understanding this myself, I think the only way out is through Jesus. Pour over the word, eat it like your life depends on it (because it does). Seek loving God with your whole heart, above your wife, above yourself, above anything. Seek Him for Him. just some things to take into consideration...

    What Would You Say to a Young Person Who Asks You, "Does True Love Really Exist?"

    I couldn't say this a few years ago, but I now believe that He is enough. "What a man desires is unfailing love; better to be poor than a liar." Proverbs 19:22. The only one capable of unfailing love is God. If anyone loves hip hop.... this is Shai Linne - My Portion "Whom have I in...

    Feeling under attack and feeling like I have nothing more to live for

    Gemmy, my therapist had me physically taking out my anger on objects (crying, screaming, yelling, hitting my mattress with a baseball bat etc...) to help with depression. Growing up, I taught myself that anger is evil and that it should not be displayed at all on the outside , especially toward...

    Wisdom: Long term car camping/exploring US

    I have wanted to do this for a long time, so I'm finally making plans and goals and putting them in place. I'm a bit scared but I know if I don't do this while I still can I will regret it. Pray for wisdom, boldness, safety and most importantly my fear. Fear prevents me from doing a LOT of...

    Find the Bad Theology and Why

    Please tell me this isn't a Mormon bible study. I read enough pamphlets to see where this is going... You can't fool me Joseph smith! LOL

    Flooded house, mold

    Please pray that we don't get mold issues, and for a plumber that will be honorable

    Fear and bowel issues

    Just scared about the bowel/intestine issues I am having right now. Watching Crohn's Disease victims is just making everything worse...

    Pray for conversion of my wife

    You got it, I'll be praying

    Cancer healing for James

    Just want to lift my best friend's dad up in prayer, healing for cancer.

    Excessive ambition, money, making a name for oneself

    Hey Ladies and Gents, long time no post! I have a question for you... I'm having some strange new desires that I think about now that I have not had before. Number 1, accumulating money....all I have been thinking about lately is money money MONEY!! I am not in debt. I don't need more money...

    Anyone angry with their sibling? how do you cope?

    I'm trying to take this anger to Christ every day, He is constantly helping me cope and not let the hurt affect me so much (lashing out or saying unkind things to my brother). But I'm asking here to see if anyone else has this issue with anger toward a certain person...sibling or otherwise, and...

    Conversation in Meme


    I have a plan for you

    I was on my way to an appointment on Monday and as I was driving I had some strange but not unusual thoughts concerning happiness and satisfaction. I thought "why don't I just move away from here (family, church, friends etc) and go to NC or the west coast and live there for a while? I bet i'll...

    My brother's salvation :(

    Just wanted to lift my brother up here, hoping he comes back to God or gets saved. Thanks <3

    Stomach flu, waves of panic and anxiety at 3am

    So some people know I have this phobia, and I have for a long time. My brother came home tonight and started barfing. I have been praying for a month already every March-April (because that is stomach flu month) for the past 8 years. So far no one has gotten sick in about 8 year. But this year...

    Has anyone else read the text on Dr. Bronner's soap bottle?

    I had a really good laugh today reading it. :rolleyes:

    How do you all decrease your stress levels?

    Please help a sister out and don't just say "I read the bible...", give me specific things you do or meditate on that decrease your stress levels :) I'll start. Last night I told God every. single. worry. that I have right now, it took me about an hour (eye roll) and I fell asleep right after...