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  1. SolidGround

    The Philistines, the Canaanites, and giants

    Hey guys! It’s been awhile :D I’ve been taking more history courses, and found some interesting stuff about the ancient Levant! Want to share what I’ve found, my speculations, and ask for your speculations :)
  2. SolidGround

    Biblical advice needed for a pastorless congregation

    Our pastor is retiring after 25 years of faithful service to our congregation. He trained up many young men in our +-180 member body, who have now gone on to pastor other churches. It is a small church, but a very active and growing church. Even with our growth as a body, our finances are not...
  3. SolidGround

    Jesus: the 2nd Adam, ...and the 2nd Morning star?

    Just as Christ came to right the wrong of Adam, by fulfilling the purpose of Adam as the perfect image of the Father, there is a doctrine (which I am unsure of) which states that Christ also ascended to "replace" Lucifer's original role, and right the wrongs that Satan has done. This would go...
  4. SolidGround


    hi, I'm Tom. Looking forward to having fellowship with you all. God bless.