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  1. Beloved314

    Do you think online dating goes against waiting on the Lord?

    The modern single Christian question…. Are we stepping out of God’s will and timing by trying to do things our own way? (FYI I’m not online dating.) What is your opinion on this?
  2. Beloved314

    Was Jesus ever taught by man?

    Pardon me if this question was posed before… This morning I had a conversation with a friend who was asking me about Jesus and what He meant to me. I explained in detail how Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life and shared some of my personal experiences that lead me to believe that without a...
  3. Beloved314

    (Potentially) Profound Thoughts

    Listen to understand, not to merely respond. Most people impatiently wait to give their opinion before gaining some understanding as to what is being said and why. (I can be guilty of that often as well)
  4. Beloved314

    Should women pursue men?

    How did you meet?
  5. Beloved314

    Should women pursue men?

    Very wise response!
  6. Beloved314

    Pressing In

    Hi, it’s good to be here. I’m pressing in more and desiring fellowship here with you all. I look forward to enlightening discussions and learning from you💕
  7. Beloved314

    Check please!

    Perspective check for all of us: While you're busy concerning yourself with how you measure up to everyone you see (and we all do it on some level)- she/he is better looking, more fit, more spiritual, more financially successful, a better mom/dad- YOU ARE WASTING PRECIOUS MOMENTS. News flash...
  8. Beloved314


    I have a huge dining room table that is a piece of glass. It's pretty cool actually. What's even cooler is how God used it to teach me something today. So it's me and my 3 boys here. 3 sweet, finger smudgy, messy boys:) After every meal the table is covered in smudges and junk. So I clean...
  9. Beloved314

    Stepped out of disobedience...left my love because he didn't make God the head...

    Hi there. Quick recap of my last 3 years. Met a man I fell deeply in love with. Moved myself and my 3 kids in with him. He was raised Catholic but no longer went to church. Some bad things happened in the years prior to our relationship which caused him to think God didn't care about him. I...
  10. Beloved314

    Hi all!!

    Hey everyone! I'm happy to be here:)