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    Is suicide a sin? This trouble confusing me for a long time.

    I agree Mr. Leung chose fate over Faith, I pray others will not succumb to His circumstances.
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    Is suicide a sin? This trouble confusing me for a long time.

    We as branches bearing the fruit (our offsprings) are watering them with poisons and denying them what God has commanded us. We are denying them the truth we distort we add to it , we dance around it , toss it, flip it upside down! we do anything we can to make it fit us. If you bought a pair of...
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    Is suicide a sin? This trouble confusing me for a long time.

    How will you ask for forgiveness if you are dead and if you have to ask before the act then you have acknowledge that it is wrong in the first place.
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    Is suicide a sin? This trouble confusing me for a long time.

    And I pray with you that God fills you and keeps you whole, for just as you, I am married and I feel as though I have no one. The reason for this is my desire is for Christ as I grow older and wiser and as for her well...... Just pray for us please.
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    Is suicide a sin? This trouble confusing me for a long time.

    So as with anything else not only will we go to Hell for Suicide but anything else that falls outside of the will of GOD. As I am struggling daily for God to work on me and change me for His purpose.
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    Is suicide a sin? This trouble confusing me for a long time.

    This is my belief based on scripture and the revelation revealed to me. Let' start at the beginning to better help you understand the question that you are posing and perhaps give you a deeper understanding of that question and all it in tales. Genesis 3 Now the serpent was more crafty than any...
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    Open minded Christians...

    Garee I know the scripture you are speaking of, but you taint that scripture when you say (open minded) and then you use the word agreement as if you want a partnership with Christ Jesus. I mean no offense but, the GOD i serve is not looking for people to be open minded and surely not agreeable...
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    Open minded Christians...

    Now I am not saying you should not call out evil, however since I was made whole why can't anyone else be. 1Thessalonians 5:23 23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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    Open minded Christians...

    (Romans 12.2) NIV Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. So in following scripture your thinking process would not be of human nature but of spiritual...
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    Pope tells gay man ‘God made you like this and loves you like this’

    By the way I am not gay Just happily in Love with Jesus Christ.
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    Pope tells gay man ‘God made you like this and loves you like this’

    (Pray with me) Father I pray for the souls and spirits of all of us confused vessels, and I also am confused Father I ask that you allow the same free will as you have so given to all of your children the choice to serve you or not to serve you and may Your spirit forever overtake what Satan...
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    Pope tells gay man ‘God made you like this and loves you like this’

    Prove me wrong I love to love my GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Pope tells gay man ‘God made you like this and loves you like this’

    So as scripture has taught us judge yee not be judged the ways in which Satan tempts us is in the mind and heart scripture teaches us this and until we all can close our eyes ears and mouth then known of us not one of us can judge gay or not gay because our temptations are and will be the same...
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    Pope tells gay man ‘God made you like this and loves you like this’

    Gay is a sense of being, a feeling is ones expressions towards his or her feelings as to who or she may perceive themselves to be. God does not operate in feelings because we are so wishy washy. James 1:8 calls this an unstable man or woman double minded. Rev 3:15 calls this person neither hot...
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    Good Gift or is a Rock?

    How many of us have bought cell phones and video games, computers and etc. for our children? Then my next question is how many of us actually understand this passage I know I didn't but it's becoming very clear the gifts I have given draw time and attention away from the Father. Shame on me for...
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    Do the right thing

    For all of us who know we are living wrong teach our children the right way so your tree is not rotten to the core.
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    Pray with Me

    Heavenly Father, I ask for your guidance in finding my way back to you, I am lost in a den of evil and darkness it has the taste of sugar and mint and it is captivating, please Father wake me up so that the moths and flies will not desecrate your work of art. Father let no one deceive your...
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    I Have falling Short of my Fathers Glory

    Most of you do not know me but I am a worthless man in my own right, I can do nothing that resembles good on my own because I seek the taste of the world at every turn. Whether it is cars or houses or dollars I am captivated in it's grasp. Ephesians 2.2 tells me I am way off course and I have...