Search results

  1. AngelusChristi

    Online Bible Studies? Anyone?

    So, I just turned thirty (I hope that still labels me a "Young Adult"), a Christian for about three years now, and I am seriously considering going to Bible college this fall (despite my anxiety of having zero funds to do so). I was thinking it would be cool to start up a study group of some...
  2. AngelusChristi

    Christian Fiction RPG and Roleplaying

    Introduction Hi there! My name is Michael and I'm exploring the idea of running a Christian-themed role playing game in a similar style to Dungeons and Dragons played-by-post or on chat together as a group. The goal of this game would be to sharpen our understanding of biblical truth, practice...
  3. AngelusChristi

    A life lived on purpose... Do you know your purpose?

    So... are you living with purpose or just floating around trying to entertain yourself until you die? I don't mean to be harsh but the fact of the matter is, if you aim for nothing in life then that is exactly what you get out of it... nothing. So, what is your purpose? There are two types...
  4. AngelusChristi

    A story to tell, but would rather listen :)

    Well hello there, I guess I'll give a quick testimony. Six years ago I was likely one of the most ignorant, arrogant, and belligerent atheists you'd ever be likely to meet. Thought I knew who I was; thought I knew how the world was; definitely thought I knew how to fix it all. Because of this...