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  1. elizabethlear

    Has one of my friend's been banned in some way?

    I have a good friend on here who's profile has changed dramatically, but it does not say that they are banned. I am not able to send them a private message, their profile picture is gone, their signature no longer shows in the "about me" section, but the basic info such as age, location, etc...
  2. elizabethlear

    Diet and acne

    As a teenager I didn't have much trouble with acne, maybe a couple pimples here and there. Then after high school it went away pretty much completely. Now, three years later, I have been struggling with acne for about a year. It's not absolutely terrible, I've definitely seen worse on other...
  3. elizabethlear

    Prayers of Thanks

    Last week I started the process to get into an EMT program which will pay for me to become an EMT (rather than the other way around) and then guarantees a job once I am certified. The first step was to take a test and pass with an 80%. I just got a phone call saying that I passed the test with...
  4. elizabethlear

    Hardship in OT vs hardship in NT

    In the OT, hardship for the Israelites seems to be a result of disobedience or not trusting God, and when they are trusting in God and doing things right is when things are going well for them. But in the NT, it is stated several times that we will go through trials and be persecuted because...
  5. elizabethlear

    Moses and the book of Numbers

    So, Moses wrote the book of Numbers right? Numbers 12:3 says "Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth." Okay, am I the only one who sees the irony?
  6. elizabethlear

    Not sure if marriage is for me.

    This is sort of a rant and sort of a "asking for opinions" post. I'm only 20. I will be 21 in September and have only had a couple of "serious" relationships, and a handful of flings. And at this point in my life, I'm already questioning if marriage is for me. In the past few months I've been...
  7. elizabethlear

    Matthew 7:21 and Romans 10:13

    I'm sure there are probably threads out there about this SAME topic, but I couldn't find 'em. Anyways, Matthew 7:21 says: "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven..." And Romans 10:13 says: "for 'everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'"...
  8. elizabethlear

    Prayer for WISDOM

    Since joining CC, I've discovered all these controversies that exist among Christians. I didn't even know they existed, but it has made me really question what I believe in regards to these topics. Some of them are more serious than others. I've started to read through the Bible in hopes to...
  9. elizabethlear

    Reading the whole Bible

    Has anybody here ever read the whole Bible front to back? And I don't mean that you read it enough that you've probably read the whole thing at some point. I mean deliberately trying to read the whole thing. If you read 3-4 chapters a day you can do it in a year. I've tried but I usually fizzle...
  10. elizabethlear

    New Here!

    I made my account last night, and I just want to say how glad I am that I did! Hope I'm part of the CC community for a long time to come!
  11. elizabethlear

    Once Saved, Always Saved??

    Recently my dad and I were talking about the belief "Once Saved, Always Saved." It's a pretty self-explanatory idea. In his church, he was raised to believe that and he asked "So you're saved even if you later on renounce your faith?" The answer he got was that if that happened, you were never...
  12. elizabethlear

    Dating Someone Who Claims to be a Christian, but doesn't live it

    I am looking for advice. I really just need some outside eyes here. Up until a couple of years ago, I was very strong in my faith. Then, it started to dwindle (stopped praying before bed, didn't go to church as much, not including God in my life etc), but I still felt very strongly about some...