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    OT God different from Father in heaven?

    Some teach that there are different gods being served and followed throughout the Bible, and it does make some sense. For instance, if Jesus' Father in heaven is loving and merciful and forgiving, then who commanded the Israelites to kill women and children? Perhaps a false-God gave the Law...

    I went to church last week and discovered something unexpected

    My aunts and uncle think that grandma might not have much longer to live. So, when she asked me to come to her church I decided to go for her. I don't normally go to church because I believed all organized "houses of God" disregard an important teaching of Jesus, but I went to give some...

    That old serpent

    Growing up I always just assumed that Jehovah was Jesus' Heavenly Father. However, I would now have to completely disagree. Jehovah did some wicked things according to the old testament. So who were the Israelites worshipping?

    2 or 3 Witnesses

    Deuteronomy 19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. Matthew 18:16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one...

    Some verses from Revelation

    Revelation 12:5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. 12:6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two...

    Thou shalt not commit adultery

    For a long time I had habitually viewed pornography and masturbated. I didn't see it as a bad thing. I thought that I wasn't hurting anyone else, and I enjoyed it. There came a time when my wife admitted that she had sex with another man twice in our bed. I have only had sex one time with one...

    Opening Your Third Eye

    I have never intentionally tried to open the third eye. Does anyone have experience trying this, what did you experience, and how do you get there? Or do you have reason to avoid such things?

    Do you feel the pain of the world?

    My mind is constantly troubled by the state of the world and the hearts of others. I have my own struggles, yes, but I fear for the hearts of others and how they are conditioned to reject the Truth. God is Love, But I see hatred and division and all manner of sin everywhere. It grieves me at...

    Mobile version

    I like the mobile version very well, and I switch to full version when I need to, but I have a question. Is there a 'like button,' and what does the button do that looks like quotations with a plus sign?
  10. SCHISM

    Amendments to Executive Order 13694

    Take notice of Section 1.(a)(ii)(E) Which is "tampering with, altering, or causing a misappropriation of information with the purpose or effect of interfering with or undermining election processes or institutions;"...
  11. SCHISM

    YouTubers visited by NSA

    Two YouTube channels that I used to really enjoy began to become less and less interesting throughout 2016. I even went as far to unsubscribe from one of those channels. Yesterday I watched a video from a channel that I had not followed before on the topic of YouTubers being threatened by the...
  12. SCHISM

    Child Prostitution Decriminalized

    California SB1322 Decriminalized minors engaging in and soliciting prostitution. Democrats say shame on Republicans for treating the children as criminals instead of victims. How will this law affect the situation in reality?
  13. SCHISM

    Counter Petition

    There is a counter petition to the petition that would allow Hillary Clinton to become President. This does not mean that you support Trump. It means that you support fairness and honesty and peace. How is it democracy if the electoral college is allowed to ignore the results of our election...
  14. SCHISM


    I was going to send a private message to Sinnerman and tell him that I no longer think the earth can be flat, but I found he has been banned. Anyone know why? I know that he could be hard to get along with, but what did he do that could not be deleted and forgiven?
  15. SCHISM

    40million Russians to Underground Bunkers

    40 million Russians going to underground bunkers October 4th-8th. Let us pray
  16. SCHISM

    Black Sea Turkey Russia Britain

    Two days ago Russia sent Navy ships on route to Black Sea. Turkey now sends many Navy warships to the Black Sea. Britain has also sent one ship. All according to Israeli News Live by Steven Ben Denoon. There was one Turkish cargo ship which earthed itself from the Black Sea on Saturday, but...
  17. SCHISM

    Father in Law died today

    My father-in-law died today. My wife's mother and sister were both murdered when she was maybe 12, and her aunt committed suicide last year. I haven't experienced any close loss before. I love my wife, and I want to help her, but I am as emotional as a robot. What should I do and say, and...
  18. SCHISM

    Abomination of Desolation as spoken of by Daniel the prophet

    The prophets and Jesus spoke many words about our Lord's return, and there are no idle words in our scripture of the Bible. Luke 8:17, John 16:13, Revelation 22:6 There is nothing secret in God's plan that he will not first reveal to his people. I believe "Daniel's Timeline" by Dewey Bruton...
  19. SCHISM

    Daniel's Timeline Jesus Christ

    The prophets and Jesus spoke many words about our Lord's return, and there are no idle words in our scripture of the Bible. Luke 8:17, John 16:13, Revelation 22:6 There is nothing secret in God's plan that he will not first reveal to his people. I believe "Daniel's Timeline" by Dewey Bruton...
  20. SCHISM

    Lost and Confused

    So, I've read the entire Bible a couple of times and particular books within the Bible many many times. I've also read threads in the BDF where we argue about doctrine for 15-20 pages. I've also heard it spoken that many people think they are getting Jesus Christ but have received a false Christ...