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  1. G

    Question for the married members:

    Thank you so much for asking. This really started me to thinking. For me it is that he listens. I mean really listens to what I have to say and communicates with me. I also really like it when he takes the position as head of the household and seeks God's answers to the problems in our lives...
  2. G

    prayer please

    Father, thank You for Joybubble and her son. Thank You for their lives. Help them to find Your plan and be able to rest in it. Help them to be where You want them to be, doing what You want them to do when You want it to happen, where You want it to happen and how You want it to happen. Bless...
  3. G

    My son

    In answer to your prayer request, Father, I come before you bringing you my sister and her concerns for her son. These are Your children Father. You know the needs, You know their pain, You know their circumstances and what needs to happen. You are already wherever they are going, waiting for...