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  1. C

    Deja vu - dreams

    What does it mean when you dreat about the future and then it actually happens - similar to deja vu?
  2. C

    Not a mother at 28 - trying to find peace

    One of the reasons that I'm searching for a place with Jesus is to have peace with not having kids as I'm nearing 30 and watching everyone around me have them. I'm hoping that having a different perspective on life will help me through the rest of my life.
  3. C

    Sins - mainly the gluttony sin

    Hi, Can someone explain the gluttony sin? Is it a sin to eat fast food and junk food? If that is the case it is definitely a big struggle for me. I do enjoy cooking but every time I cook I don't want to eat it. My husband loves my cooking buy I always lose my appetite. Suggestions?
  4. C

    New Here

    Hi, My name is Christine and I'm 28 years old. I've been confused about my faith for a long time. Spiritually I've been lost for many years, pondering various questions. I believe in Jesus but that is all I know and the rest to be determined. I'm married but motherless... which is partially why...