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  1. Foxtail

    Do You Think it's Wrong to Celebrate Christmas?

    One of my main, online, pastors-dudes recently posted a trailer for an upcoming discussion about Christmas in terms of Evangelicalism. How it's such a great time of the year to share the word. ----Note- Accidentally posted before I was finished typing. Come back soon for the point. lol
  2. Foxtail

    Prayer for my Father

    My parents had a fight and he left to go do busy work at his Dad's. He left without his suitcase, cellphone, and most importantly, his medication. Please pray that he realizes this and comes back for them.
  3. Foxtail

    Sexy before Marriage

    So I was perusing the interwebs,(shocker), and I went from funny online dating catastrophes to discovering this video. I think this speaks volumes to a lot of Christians in this generation, who are saving themselves so fervently for the one, that...
  4. Foxtail

    Beware Blinders

    Haha... straight to the Singles forum I go. lol Long story short, last week I went on a first date with a guy I hadn't met before. "Blind," if you will. He told me he went to church twice on Sundays, probed me about the authenticity of my faith. We had a lot in common and we talked all the way...
  5. Foxtail

    Hi ho! :)

    I joinned last night because I couldn't sleep... but I ended up falling asleep waiting for my account to be approved. Lol :p Jokes aside, I'm seeking out some Christian fellowship. My friends have been drifting and I need some anchors in my life so I don't follow suit. How do you do? :)