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  1. BrotherMike

    Some Encouragement

    The following is a Bible verse the Pastor's wife gave me in youth group... She had it laminated and I kept it all these years in my wallet... many many years lol Felt led to share with you all. It's helped me on many occasions in life. II Corinthians 4:8-9 When pressed on every side by...
  2. BrotherMike

    Growing in Christ

    What are your favorite ways to grow in Christ? Personally mine is praise and worship. I know reading the Bible is an excellent way to do so, however I can’t sit and read for long periods. My reading comprehension has always been a struggle. Any ideas to combat that?
  3. BrotherMike

    It’s all about choices… including Jesus

    Saw this on Facebook today and wanted to share this great wisdom.
  4. BrotherMike

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas everyone and Happy Birthday Jesus! I hope your season is filled with joy and happiness and shared with loved ones. One of my friends wife got covid and hung out with some family recently so they all cancelled getting together for Christmas. It reminds us to cherish and be...
  5. BrotherMike

    Asking for a friend

    I found this post on Facebook and it’s one of the things I struggle with the most. My opinion doesn’t change about Jesus, I believe in Him as my Savior. Can we really do anything we want and it doesn’t matter since Jesus died for our sins? Will His Grace cover everything even if we know it’s...
  6. BrotherMike

    Night shift

    Anyone else worked night shift? If so what was your experience? Did you keep the same schedule on your weekends? I just accepted transferring to nights and start this Friday. I missed the extra pay.
  7. BrotherMike


    Post your pets that you own... and a funny or cute story with it. My roommates are getting this puppy and I can’t wait to love on her!
  8. BrotherMike

    NFL playoffs

    Anyone follow NFL and their favorite team is in the playoffs? Bills just won a close game vs Colts.
  9. BrotherMike

    Covid Craziness

    I would have never imagined in my entire life I would need to make a reservation and receive a ticket to go to a church service. What a crazy year it’s been. Anyone have any situations to add that was due to the pandemic?
  10. BrotherMike

    Super Bowl

    Who all is watching? Who are you rooting for?
  11. BrotherMike

    2020 Resolutions

    Any resolutions for the new year? Would love to share ideas with each other and let’s hold each other accountable to it!!! 🙂
  12. BrotherMike

    Would you date someone who’s kid does drugs and alcohol?

    Been on 8 dates with this lady and things are going well chemistry wise. I found out this morning her oldest had a relapse in cocaine. Everything was fine as far as peace with that person goes until now. This could potentially be a tough issue to deal with? I know it’s not her choice for her 23...
  13. BrotherMike

    Have you ever imagined...

    Many people here are souls just waiting to be with Him one day praising and worshipping our Jesus. 🙌 Do you have moments of eternal thinking? I do and it brings me peace.
  14. BrotherMike

    Just a reminder...

  15. BrotherMike

    Five Love Languages

    Getting to know what out of the 5 love languages impact more with the relationship of anyone who you want to show love is important to strengthen the connection with that person. Do you know what your love languages are? The person you love? Find out what yours is here...
  16. BrotherMike

    Myers-Briggs personality score

    Does anyone here think the personality scores are fascinating to read and learn what they say about you? I got a ISFP.