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  1. IslandBrow


    We often talk about our freedom in Christ and no longer being a slave to sin. It is a marvelous reality, and one worthy of discussion. I often wonder if we really have a grasp of what it actually means. Yes, we are free, but free from what, exactly? Galatians has been called the Magna Charta...
  2. IslandBrow

    Duties of Believers

    Jude wrote his epistle near the middle to late first century. He wrote during a time when false teachers had already infiltrated the church and were promoting their false gospel. At the end of his short letter, he presents a strategy to the believers for avoiding apostasy and contending for the...
  3. IslandBrow

    Psalms for Life

    The Psalms can be categorized in many different ways. There are Messianic Psalms, Imprecatory Psalms, Psalms of Assent, etc... But, if we boil them down, we can fit most of them into 3 main categories: Psalms of Praise: These are happy songs. They are written without consideration for any...
  4. IslandBrow

    Genealogies and the Patience of God

    Genealogies tend to get ignored quite often when it comes to serious study. What can possibly be learned from a list of names who begat more names?? The first genealogy is found in Genesis 5. It is the descendants of Adam to Noah. There are ten generations listed in this chapter, and...
  5. IslandBrow

    Significance of Methuselah?

    Genesis 5:22 seems to indicate that it was AFTER the birth of Methuselah that Enoch walked with God. What was significant about the birth of Methuselah? His name means "When he dies, judgement” or “when he is dead, it will be sent.” It says he went on to live 969 years. In fact, he died the...
  6. IslandBrow

    3 Reasons Christians should NOT love the world

    The Apostle John wrote to the churches of the Asia region over which he exercised Apostolic authority. To the believers in those churches he issued a command, followed by 3 reasons for that command: Do not love the world or the things in the world (1 John 2:15a) The command is, "Do not love...
  7. IslandBrow

    5 Ways Pride Manifests Itself

    C.S. Lewis wrote, "Make no mistake about it: pride is the great sin. It is the devil's most effective and destructive tool." John R.W. Stott said, "Pride is your greatest enemy, humility is your greatest friend." Jonathan Edwards wrote, "Spiritual pride is the main spring or at least the main...
  8. IslandBrow

    Your Spiritual Gift

    Generally, when we discuss spiritual gifts, we turn to key passages such as 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12 or Ephesians 4. These are the primary texts that help us understand the type of gifts that are bestowed upon believers at their conversion. The uses of the plural noun, gifts, in these...
  9. IslandBrow

    Confidence in the Day of Judgment

    The idea of God’s judgement is an unpopular one today. People simply do not like the idea of having to account to God for their actions. So they discount the day of judgment, perhaps hoping it will go away. In reality, it will arrive sooner or later. There are 3 ideas generally associated...
  10. IslandBrow

    Let Us Love

    In 1 John 4:7-12, John, for the 3rd time, circles back to the subject of loving one another. Each time he developed the theme a little more. In 2:7-11 he noted that one of the signs of fellowship with God is the practice of love. In 3:13-24 he indicated that the conflict between love and...
  11. IslandBrow

    4 Pictures of the Church

    It is a common practice among professing Christians to announce, "I love Jesus, but I don't love the church." There is a growing disconnect between claiming to be a Christian and recognizing the importance of the local church. In Scripture, the Greek word for church, ekklesia always refers to...
  12. IslandBrow

    Test the Spirits

    The Christian life is marked by conflict. There is the conflict between truth and falsehood (1 John 2:18-28), the conflict between the children of God and the children of the devil (1 John 2:29-3:12), and the conflict between love and hatred (1 John 3:13-24). In 1 John 4:1-6, another conflict...