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  1. R

    Is the church obligated to do anything with singles?

    Ironic be pointing out Corinthians 14:33–35 and yet in the churches..
  2. R

    Is the church obligated to do anything with singles?

    Nope, to many unChristians can easily ruin everything. Just tired in many ways is all.
  3. R

    Is the church obligated to do anything with singles?

    Demographics plays a big part I think. Being over 50, looking for a women I am attracted to that is Christian and like mind, heck, I got better odds playing the lottery. Don't get me wrong, there is some single women my age, there is just no attraction in the least. Looks do play a part, many...
  4. R

    Seems Revalations and Book of Enoc are seldom/never preached about today.

    Steve has done beyond extensive research on giants -
  5. R

    Is the church obligated to do anything with singles?

    Really don't need to ask why. I listen to key words, body posture and the eyes. Not what they said (reply to) but the lack there of. They made excuses, told me why, but never a work around or different time. Also the eyes are the windows of the soul. I can tell looking at their eyes and it...
  6. R

    Is the church obligated to do anything with singles?

    ton of stuff for women.. for men, have seen little to nothing.
  7. R

    Is the church obligated to do anything with singles?

    As a single older male I'm seen as a predator (or something wrong with me because I don't fit the mold of what is considered normal in the church) so many families avoid me. I think single women are a little more well received then men. I used to smile and laugh, shake hands, always up to help...
  8. R

    Is the church obligated to do anything with singles?

    I had a few churches I asked about a singles bible study. They said "Well, you need to do it all and at your house. As a church and while it is good intent, we will not endorse this since it is not a church function." Translated - we a scared of law suits and getting a bad rep over this. Other...
  9. R

    Seems Revalations and Book of Enoc are seldom/never preached about today.

    Joel Olsteen is what I call a CINO (Christian In Name Only) big time . He is all about wanting people to empower themselves instead of turning to God. I think he is a bit of a humanist as well.
  10. R

    Seems Revalations and Book of Enoc are seldom/never preached about today.

    So you sound like you are backing every pastor based on they study the bible right? I see mass apostate pastors in the region where I live. They fly the rainbow flag and preach homosexuals are good and going to heaven and allow them to even preach and teach in the church. They are so wrong for...
  11. R

    Seems Revalations and Book of Enoc are seldom/never preached about today.

    So........................... unless you out to score points with your buddies for slamming a new person here, why would you say JOKE? I'm serious, the last time I remember any church I been to preaching on Revelations was about 10 years ago. An that is about 25-30 different churches and even...
  12. R

    Seems Revalations and Book of Enoc are seldom/never preached about today.

    I like a good sermon, but many of the churches I have been to seem to stay on a theme year after year. Feels like a endless loop of a season 1 tv series (kind of like Star Trek, but less sci-fi) Long ago the churches found time to preach about end times and such. I have asked many pastors about...
  13. R

    Is the church obligated to do anything with singles?

    I go to church because I need it. I learn a lot and work at applying it to my life. Just want the singles to get 'some' recognition. For the past few years I get foggy brain / blank brain. Think it might be related. Here is some interesting reading -...
  14. R

    Is the church obligated to do anything with singles?

    Ya, I hate feeling left out. I so much want to be included with the church and not a lot of places to do that.
  15. R

    Is the church obligated to do anything with singles?

    Quite the blanket statement you got there. On line dating is dead and chopped full of scammers, I don't go to clubs for obvious reasons, when you're over 50 the places to maybe meet someone greatly fades into obscurity.
  16. R

    Is the church obligated to do anything with singles?

    When my life was good (had a nice job, house and the regular stuff) I often invited people (families since singles was far and few to be seen) over for diner. They made ever excuse under the sun why they could not join me for a meal. Never a work around or anything. Often I'd watch them go to...
  17. R

    Is the church obligated to do anything with singles?

    I see the church preach and do events for everyone but singles.
  18. R

    Is the church obligated to do anything with singles?

    Would have it been worthy to mention in the Bible? Jesus did many miracles and they we not mentioned in the Bible. So, here is our string theory I guess.
  19. R

    Is the church obligated to do anything with singles?

    In my many decades of going to many, many churches I have yet to see a church do anything for singles. Most churches I notice offer many things for dating, how to run your family, kids, marriage and the likes. For singles it's now and then they preach on the matter and when they do it's usually...