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  1. BunnyUnderTheTable

    Jesus is not coming back. He already did in 70 A.D.

    No the events didn't happen people still are possessed Satan isn't in the Jesus jail so that is contradicting
  2. BunnyUnderTheTable

    Name It and Claim It

    God hurts those he loves because he loves them, it's not good to be rich that means he doesn't love you as much sorry
  3. BunnyUnderTheTable

    How old are you guys

    I'm 15, my name is Janice that's all I
  4. BunnyUnderTheTable

    Do You Believe Aliens May Exist In The Universe?

    Well you don't have to prove a negative/prove disbelief so it's not much of a conundrum. It has "not been proven" it just hasn't been /dis/proven which are two different things
  5. BunnyUnderTheTable

    How can we know what to take seriously in the old testament?

    I hear a lot of people say because it's the old testament it doesn't count but the ten commandments still count and that God created the world. I have an atheist friend who he shared verses that said things in the old testament I could not really follow so I am wondering how to reply without...
  6. BunnyUnderTheTable

    Is God nice?

    No, God isn't what one would describe as nice. The word "nice" suggests agreeableness and a sort of personality he surely would not exhibit as he is perfect and so has the right to judge and condemn us. He is, at times, kind, but he has absolutely no obligation to be - he just is . However...