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    The tower of Babel

    Ive been reading an article it claims the tower of babel was a ziggurat with a temple on top to worship the host of heaven. Its written by scholars and archaeologist
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    The tower of Babel

    Ill Thanks ill be sure to get it
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    Success and Victory

    Pray that I enroll in and successfully complete college in Los Angeles and that G-d grants me victory over my enemies in kentucky
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    Glory glory glory

    What a great place this is! Im PROUD to call myself a Christian because of brothers and sisters like YOU! I am from an evil little city in kentucky but soon I am going to los angeles to become a computer programmer. Right now my biggest interest is transhumanism. Peace of my Lord Jesus Christ be...
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    The tower of Babel

    Thank you very much I was misled or misunderstood books by authors tom and nita horn talking about technodimensional spiritual warfare with grin technologies genetics robotics artificial intelligence and nanotechnology
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    The tower of Babel

    I read in a book that the tower of Babel was successfully built and functional and God decided to attack them after they carried their idols into it and sat them in heaven. Can you please provide me with information about the tower?