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  1. S

    Hearing God's Voice... ? Help?!?!

    Thank you all for your replies... The only answer I have right now is to seek the Lord to love Him with all my heart. That is where my answer will come from and that is the secret to happiness and fulfillment. Like Hudson Taylor said, "I can receive the greatest answers to prayer when my heart...
  2. S

    Hearing God's Voice... ? Help?!?!

    I was allowed a months furlow once a year. It felt like enough the first two times but then with the problems they were experiencing and the discouragement I felt, it didn't feel like enough. I knew I would not be permitted to stay with the mission and go home for three months at a time, so I...
  3. S

    Hearing God's Voice... ? Help?!?!

    Hi, I"m a returning missionary from Mexico. I just resigned from the mission a while ago, I felt as though I was weighed down with life's problems and discouragement when I left and felt the responsibility to help my family. I felt as though I was going to harm the mission if I stayed. All this...