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  1. J

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Deut 25:9 And his name shall be called in Israel, ‘The house of him who had his sandal removed.’ Starts in Deut 25:7- But if the man does not want to take his brother’s wife, then let his brother’s wife go up to the gate to the elders, and say, ‘My husband’s brother refuses to raise up a name...
  2. J

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Deut 25:9 And his name shall be called in Israel, ‘The house of him who had his sandal removed.’
  3. J

    When did death come into the Earth?

    When did death come into the Earth? According to God's Word when Adam ate from the forbidden fruit? According to evolution/gap theory/day-age theory millions of years before?
  4. J

    Was "Noah's Flood" global or local?

    Was "Noah's Flood" global or local? What does the Bible say (actually) then how does everyone else explain it?
  5. J

    Truth is stranger than fiction:

    That is kind of sad people are not ready to to put it out there because the testimony of God always ends good!!!! I have a book! My parents were married but not to each other when I was conceived/ born, in fact I have a sister 4 mo. 10 days older than me. BUT GOD!!! My dad's wife ended up...
  6. J

    How often should I sacrifice a beast to appease God?

    OOOPS JUST REALIZED YOU DID NOT ASK THE QUESTION, SO NOT THE " YOU".... lolo.... BUT SAME DIF.... WE DO NOT THE QUESTION IN THE AUTHOR'S MIND!?! Who ever yhe "you" is it failed at engaging me... just saying.....
  7. J

    How often should I sacrifice a beast to appease God?

    sorry I thought you were someone seeking a real answer from Scripture. Maybe you should ask more specific or better questions to get your presuposed answers.
  8. J

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Where did man come from?
  9. J

    How often should I sacrifice a beast to appease God?

    The life is in the Blood and the and the animals were our covering until Messiah because He IS THE SPOTLESS LAMB of GOD!!! THE FINAL SACRIFICE!!!!! I read the other post after I posted and realized no one could answer sooooooo sad!!!!!!!
  10. J

    How often should I sacrifice a beast to appease God?

    WHAT A GREAT BOOK TO READ TO UNDERSTAND THE NT!!!!! Have you read Lev. 17:11? Tell me how you cannot have Messiah without this vers in Lev!?!
  11. J

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    When David was at his bottom, because his men's' wives and daughters were carried off, by the enemy. What did he do? Just my opinion we should do this too when all of "life" is against us.
  12. J

    Truth is stranger than fiction:

    Thank you for your kind words. I am not enraged, in fact not angry at all. I was just bringing up "when life is stranger than fiction". I'm surprised everyone else has a "perfect" In fact I like Chuck and he makes my mom happy. I wish she would wait 2 more years, while he is on...
  13. J

    Happy Canada Day!

    I am not Canadian and do not know anything about Canada but what I hear in the news, which is bad ... very bad.... I'm sure that is the reverse for The United States!!! But we do celebrate freedom, it NEVER came cheep! It is God that sustains our nations and freedoms.... I pray God will bless...
  14. J


    Well, first I say research what I said for yourself do not take my word for it. But even Columbus knew he was "going" to India. He just did not expect 2 continents in between... I do not know about Catholic religion or people; I believe they are a cult .... why do they pray to FALSE GODS LIKE...
  15. J

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    How many wise men came from the East and spoke to Herid?
  16. J

    Origin of the Cross?

    Anatomy and Physiology of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ Episode 3 In here is the answer .... the video of her speaking..... Tricky only 2 is your answer .... I felt bad for being a "teacher" so here is the video....
  17. J

    Origin of the Cross?

    What all did she say? Tell me more besides what I said.... Then I will answer you....
  18. J

    Should the government take away my right to bear arms so only the "bad guys" have guns?

    All my question was.... if I lived in "Chas"... or whatever it called itself... But a new nation pops up in the middle of the USA and I am a 18/19 year old INNOCENT "African American" should I be able to have a gun to defend myself since "you"/ they shot and KILLED ME!?! Could I still be...