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  1. Zacharyb36

    Evidential or presuppositional apologetics?

    Do you believe that a person comes to believe in God because the power of the evidences persuade their intellect, or do you believe God's existence is self-evidently true and that unbelievers are suppressing this truth?
  2. Zacharyb36

    Evidential or presuppositional apologetics?

    I don't understand why you think that's bad form, but to each their own.
  3. Zacharyb36

    Evidential or presuppositional apologetics?

    Do you believe God's existence is self-evidently true? Or do you believe that you have to use evidence and reason to demonstrate God's existence?
  4. Zacharyb36

    Evidential or presuppositional apologetics?

    What's your approach and why? Evidential or presuppositional apologetics? I lean towards presuppositional, but use evidences as a spotlight on their pre-existing presuppositions they are holding to. Thanks!