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  1. M

    Is conspiracy, 'Mark of the Beast,' an unhealthy obsession for Christians?

    So do you have a strategy for how you will survive without the Beast's technological mark?
  2. M

    Baby Boomers

    Couldn't find either Babyboomer or Millenial in a search on Blue Letter Bible so it is definitely unbiblical. :^)
  3. M

    Is conspiracy, 'Mark of the Beast,' an unhealthy obsession for Christians?

    Hi Ahwatukee. Greetings from New Zealand. I watched the vid about the guy with the RFID chip and I am well aware that this technology is where we are headed. I have had it suggested to me that the scriptural reference to hand and forehead may also include our behavior and thinking which I find...
  4. M

    Baby Boomers

    I am ok with classifying and being classified. It is the basis of analysing anything. I am classified as a baby-boomer, born 1962. My father who is in his 80's says he feels sorry for my generation due to the financial and many other pressures we endure today. I agree.
  5. M

    Is conspiracy, 'Mark of the Beast,' an unhealthy obsession for Christians?

    Such a big and complex topic. A few years back I learned that you cannot buy or sell unless you have the state sponsored 'identity' the birth certificate. This raised my interest as without a birth certificate you cannot open a bank account, get a car licence or recieve government assistance...