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  1. D

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    Me too. And I've done some really stupid things financially. I took financial risks and got burned several times. But I still have a house and am able to support my young son. I can't explain it other than God's supernatural power. I think we have to acknowledge that we as the church have been...
  2. D

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    No, but I'll credit Him anyway. Without His work in my life, you'd probably want to throw me in jail just for my wretched thoughts.
  3. D

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    The Holy Spirit kept me from sinning earlier today. He works in my life like that all the time, without stopping. I pray to the Father in the name of Jesus and through the Holy Spirit. He baptizes me, seals me, fills me, illuminates me, and encourages me. And yes, He is a He and not an...
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    THIS IS NOT A DATING SITE!!! (!!!!!)

    Wanted: Woman to cut bait, clean fish, and who owns a boat and motor. Please send picture of boat and motor.
  5. D

    It's okay to remind us to donate. I just remembered that it had been a while for me. Blessings.

    It's okay to remind us to donate. I just remembered that it had been a while for me. Blessings.
  6. D

    The Beatitudes. Who is the intended audience?
  7. D

    The Beatitudes. Who is the intended audience?

    It might be worthwhile to check out Dr. Constable's notes concerning the prelude to chapter 5 here: I wish I had more time to comment, but it seems that the word multitude is an understatement. It's a great commentary. I implore you to take a look.
  8. D

    My Christian boyfriend is slowly falling into the world

    Can you give an example? Also, you mention his bad mood several times. What makes it so bad?
  9. D

    Post-fasting blues: feeling low

    Nope, I respectfully disagree. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Cor. 5:21. God no longer looks at you as a sinful, fallen creature. You ARE the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Halleluiah! Another lie from...
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    Pregnant & recently single-heartbroken need men’s perspective

    Truth hurts sometimes, HINT HINT;);););););););););););););););)
  11. D

    Pregnant & recently single-heartbroken need men’s perspective

    Seriously? "With child?" Are we back in the middle ages now? I honestly can't believe what I'm reading on this thread. It's obvious the institutional churches are doing a dismal job with sex education. We as Christians gripe about our kids being forced to endure sex education in public...
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    Pregnant & recently single-heartbroken need men’s perspective

    I never figured someone with the monicker: "Black Powder Dualist" to be such a raging feminist, but there you are. You've bought into this idea that all men are solely responsible for getting women pregnant. Maybe we need to go back to sex education in the schools. When you say "luring a girl...
  13. D

    Pregnant & recently single-heartbroken need men’s perspective

    I agree that he should be responsible. If you agree that a woman should be responsible enough to say no once in a while. No, THEY created that child. How is it HIS responsibility more than hers? I would buy that argument if women were willing to give up their jobs. But last time I checked...
  14. D

    Pregnant & recently single-heartbroken need men’s perspective

    I agree with that, however, it should not be a problem. The courts are glad to garnish any guy's wages simply because they are men. How much is that? By what standards are YOU going to measure it? What if it's $0.03 less per hour than what YOU planned? Does he still get to "come home?" Good...
  15. D

    Pregnant & recently single-heartbroken need men’s perspective

    Your boyfriend reminds me of me when I was his age. And you remind me of Rebecca. She and I lived together a few years after my first divorce. About six months passed after I moved into her house when she got pregnant. Before that, the relationship was a disaster. She needed a guy with a...
  16. D

    Could it be???

    I'm not sure what she is saying applies to me. Christ atoned for my sins while he was on the cross. Tetelestai-- it is finished! I'm not sure I need a Jewish holiday to remind me to repent of my sins. Although, I deeply respect Jewish traditions. Am I being too insensitive here? Am I missing...
  17. D

    If You Are a Christian You Are at War

    I agree with everything you said in your post except this. I will say this from my own perspective: I sin because I want to, period. I make a choice to do it. But, I agree with you about the necessity to repent. So, I make it a goal to confess my sins often, confess them early, and confess...
  18. D

    What is faith?

    This is one of the dictionary definitions: Faith 2. belief that is not based on proof It also gives the obvious one about "religious faith." But I don't think that is what you are asking here. You want something more pragmatic. And I don't think there is anything wrong with that. This cold...
  19. D

    Why does God allow suffering?

    I disagree with you on both these points. I would refer you to the book of Job for the first one. Godly people who are righteous and walk upright can still be afflicted by hardship, pain, and agony. That's what Job went through. Yet his friends wrongly accused him of sinning. The point is...
  20. D

    Tips for Living With Trump Derangement Syndrome

    Update: ABC News spent one-third of its Sunday broadcast reporting about a speech Trump gave today at the Conservative Political Action Committee Conference in Orlando, Florida. And it was clearly mixed with vitriol and anger toward the former president, so much so that the anchor was clearly...