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  1. N

    spiritual meanings of words

    1 Corinthians 2:13: which also we speak, not in words taught of human wisdom, but in those taught of the Spirit, communicating spiritual things by spiritual means. Explain this>
  2. N

    Is there really demons, angels and a Devil or is God in control of these things himself? Us and Him.

    So in effect if God knows everything, and provides boundaries for Satan, doesnt that mean that He was in control when Satan tempted Adam, and when Satan tempted Jesus?
  3. N

    Is there really demons, angels and a Devil or is God in control of these things himself? Us and Him.

    If in Job it says that Satan presents himself before God and God gives him clear instructions and boundaries, doesn't that mean that God is in control? Isn't this a parable like all of the scripture? God reveals himself in a mystery so the people that seek him during their life can be given...