Search results

  1. Ninety-Nine

    National ________________ Birthday!

    Mine is national best friends day. If I had been born one day later it would be national Donald Duck day. :p
  2. Ninety-Nine

    Is Spontaneous Human Combustion The Work Of The Devil?

    I remember seeing this picture as a kid and being so freaked out by it! 😱
  3. Ninety-Nine

    Nonstop family problems

    Hello saintrose, I have a troubled daughter with a son who is in and out of my life between boyfriends. Without knowing more, the only advice I have is to set boundaries for what you will put up with and what you won't. It's so hard when there is a grandchild involved, but I can say that...
  4. Ninety-Nine

    Will the mark alone send a person to eternal damnation?

    Then this brings to mind Revelation 13:7 And no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark... I wonder if buy and sell are symbolic and not literal in their meaning.
  5. Ninety-Nine

    Will the mark alone send a person to eternal damnation?

    There is a series of studies on the web where the author says: you revere/worship = mark on your forehead you obey his commands = mark on your right hand
  6. Ninety-Nine

    Will the mark alone send a person to eternal damnation?

    Is it saying that some will receive the mark and not worship the beast? And in that case they can escape eternal damnation? I understood the mark as a form of worship so I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this--not that I've ever studied it in depth so my understanding can be wrong.
  7. Ninety-Nine

    Speak Your Mind.

    Must have been a big pocket, aren't owls quite large?
  8. Ninety-Nine

    Favorite movies?

    I don't think I've seen the Back to the Future movies mentioned yet. The first and third were great--didn't care for the second one much.
  9. Ninety-Nine

    When Jesus would heal people...

    Thank you for this, I've often wondered too and it makes a lot of sense.
  10. Ninety-Nine

    Ask the user below you a question

    No, I can't even doodle. Would a gray couch look ok with beige walls or do I need to paint my livingroom?
  11. Ninety-Nine

    Are you a dog person or cat person and why?

    I've had both and definitely prefer dogs. Cats don't have boundaries. They are on the table, counters, all the furniture. They climb on you at night when you're trying to sleep. Blech, no thank you. Dogs know their place. ;)
  12. Ninety-Nine

    Missing school and Church

    Hello! I miss church too. i am new to my area and was in the process of visiting one when the shelter in place hit. I'm looking forward to going back, but also worry how it may change. Will people be less friendly and inviting because we're conditioned to social distance now? Will I offend...
  13. Ninety-Nine


    Glad to have found you, looking forward to spending time here :)