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    Feeling a little sad and 'lonely' today

    Recently I sent a text to my manfriend who lives 2 streets away to ask how he was managing the "unlockdown", after the restrictions began to be eased and we could meet one other person - at 2 metres distance - out of doors. He said he was not planning on going out that day. I replied to ask if...
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    Last week God broke in ....

    Two weekends ago I was beginning to go stir-crazy after 6 weeks of lockdown here in the UK, after 7+ years of recovery from illness before that and being mostly at home and isolated for much of that time. I was starting to have a complete emotional "meltdown" and spent three days wanting to cry...
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    What! no flour? Try some 15 min homemade bread - in a mug

    If you love bread, like I do, but find all the online shopping slots are filling up faster than you can get to them, or that the shops have run out of flour, then you might like this recipe which I found online. As I don't eat wheat, I managed to find some alternatives on Amazon, so I decided...
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    Saw this article on MSN UK news - may be helpful to some.
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    Artistic creations thread?

    Hi, following on from my last two suggestions, on the theme of Creativity, may I also suggest a thread for people to post their own creations in the form of artwork (painting, sculpture or textiles, personal photography) and any comments about it. I have had the Lord minister powerfully to me...
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    Favourite movies / films thread?

    Hi again, I see there is a thread for music and one for writers (poems and poetry). I find that God often speaks to me and works in my life through the power of cinema. Did Jesus not tell stories Himself as a medium for teaching truth? Yesterday, I was blown away (after some online prayer...
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    New Suggestion

    Could we have a Forum topic - for people to interact with, and support Israeli believers and the jewish diaspora? There is an Arab forum presumably for Arab believers. Or could we have a thread for Jewish and Arab believers who live in Israel. Ephesian 2 states that there is now ONE NEW MAN -...
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    Saved by grace, saved by grace God has no favourites within His church; They're from every culture, tongue and race - All saved by grace, saved by grace. Born from above, born from above, Renewed by His Spirit, And cleansed through His blood; Being conformed to Christ's image through the power...
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    Hi, I'm going to post some of my favourite youtube songs here that have encouraged me. Also used to write songs, so maybe I'll post some of those as well and hope they will bless you. Here's one that I have just posted elsewhere but will put it in this thread as well.
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    Here, where I live in the UK, many local communities and streets are coming together in new ways, getting to know and supporting one another during this Coronavirus pandemic. So far over 30,000 have died and we are still in a critical phase. We are still in lockdown here (6 weeks now), only...
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    New here

    Hi, I'm in lockdown in the UK and feeling rather invisible and disconnected right now and struggling with self-isolation. Would like some christian friends I can share my feelings and insights with at present to help me (and you!) through this pandemic and keep the discouragement away.