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  1. C

    My Life Changing Epiphany

    And that is completely blowing my MIMD today, for some reason. It seems like every sermon I listen to this past week, every daily verse, song on the radio, everything has been about this exact thing. Like it was all working together to lead me to this realization. When God wants us to know...
  2. C

    My Life Changing Epiphany

    Thank you. Bless you!
  3. C

    My Life Changing Epiphany

    Epiphany: Before creation, God knew me. Alison Hansford. Me. And He knew my struggles. He knew my sins. He knew I'd end up being an addict & a not very good mom. He knew about my fight against depression. He knew what I'd look like, what I'd sound like, He knew my thoughts, words, and deeds. And...