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  1. B

    Does the Bible condone Corporal Punishment in Marriage or relationships?

    I am married. We love each other. But I am sometimes bad and he says he is doing it for my own good. I am not a child. But when I am bad, he spanks me. I repent of my sin, I am sorry for it but once he starts spanking me it excites him and then its like he cant stop. I honour him I try to...
  2. B

    to be accepted for a season felt like what it must feel like to have friends - but now it must end.

    a group of people are getting ready to tell me that I am no longer needed, so I have been told. My "friend" has been told to break things off with me and he has been planning how to do it. As perhaps they have too. In reality their crisis is over, my season of usefulness has come to an end...
  3. B

    writing me own songs

    i been writing me own songs for a while cos my life is real messy God's in His element in my shame, my suffering, my aloneness when all my brothers and sisters in Christ walked away or turned their back they seek to punish to condemn Im pretty messy but its in the messiness that God does some...