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  1. B

    Rules for life

    5. The rule is, there are no rules. :D
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    Singleness: Blessing or curse?

    As I was getting dressed this morning, I actually gave thought to growing older without a person to care for me. The good thing about that thought in my is that it prompted me to pray that God will help me depend more on Him and less on people. All that to say, I can relate to what you said...
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    The Indian Girl, you make a good point. It is pretty presumptuous of me to ask an opinion question without giving my own opinion. Sorry about that. LOL! But seriously, the liberty I value the most is the freedom to seek my own answers rather than having to believe what I am told to believe. I...
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    Phil, I agree with your assessment that with freedom comes responsibility.
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    Consider the word "freedom." The meanings of "freedom" are certainly various depending on the context in which the word is applied. Each of us has freedoms, or liberties, of different types, even though we may not have thought of them very often. With all of that being said, what do you think...
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    Singleness: Blessing or curse?

    Man, I understand the conundrum you just described.
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    Singleness: Blessing or curse?

    My prayers are with you as you seek God's righteousness! Even though I don't know your name, your Creator/Father certainly does!
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    Singleness: Blessing or curse?

    I am single. And since I asked the question I should respond to my question too. I view my singleness as a blessing, but I also desire to be married. That may sound cliché, but I have been walking with Christ for over 33 years, and I have experienced His blessings revealed to me in various ways...
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    Singleness: Blessing or curse?

    That's a great realization!
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    Singleness: Blessing or curse?

    The Bible teaches that being single is just a condition, one about which your perspective can see as a blessing or as a curse. So what's your opinion, single Christians: Is your singleness a blessing or a curse? Why makes you feel that way?
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    Hello, my name is Craig

    As a brand new member, I assume this is where I introduce myself. My name is Craig, and I am humbled to be a child of God.