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  1. A

    New to the board could use encouragement.

    Thank you all so much, I have found a sense of peace. I just pray that we can have 1 more chance and really follow through with what therapy has told us to. We tried and things were going good so we got comfortable and fell back into old ways without sticking to our readings. So my prayer...
  2. A

    New to the board could use encouragement.

    Appreciate that! I’m doing the right things by attending meetings daily, one seemed to help my mind but now I’m doing two. Talk is just words so I’m putting my game plan into action. Saw today money was taken out of the account for the lawyer and that got me back down but I’m trying to focus on...
  3. A

    New to the board could use encouragement.

    Hey guys, Allen here. First off I’m super grateful to have found this message board. Long story short, fell out of my faith, basically doing the bare minimum, maybe prayer a few times a week and that was it. I once was praying all the time, giving praise to God for the many years looking to...