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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    Yes I get notifications about it. I hope you feel better and recover soon. I will pray for you and your recovery.
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    His parents don’t seem to really care much about the infidelity as in the same thing happened to his mom by his dad which added to the worthlessness feeling.
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    Thanks for the advice but no what is the 12 step ?
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    I let go last week but having second thought but trying to stay strong and not go back. Not sure what the next steps should be.
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    I did breakup last week but hard to stay away after all the apologies the first couple of days. I don’t want to feel envy if I hear he is dating the next girl. What do I do ?
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    I’ll be honest, I used to be extremely confident but now I just keep second guessing myself. I just left but I remember all the good times we had and I miss them and I don’t want to feel jealousy if he moves on to another I want to not care but it’s hard when you’ve loved someone for so long. I...
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    I just left actually but still having second thoughts because I’m only human.
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    How do I start feeling angry instead of hopelessness and unworthiness ?
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    Even though your partner might be great in every other way I still shouldn’t give another chance ? I’m afraid there won’t be anyone else ?
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    Thank you for replying. I’m just losing hope as in there isn’t any better men out there. It seems like they all cheat from what I have heard. I also feel ashamed since I held a grudge and didn’t totally forgive and let go because it was always in the back of my mind. Maybe if I would have...
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    Great feedback. Won’t be just get away with it and what he has done and go to the next girl ? Wouldn’t that be the easier way ?
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    Should I forgive ? So people not make mistake and it is not right for me to forgive ?
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    He is the one that pursued me first and started talking about wanting to get married. Cheating I mean sex and sexual flirty texting a couple of others
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    Do you think he would take marriage more seriously because it’s mentioned in the Bible? Maybe I can be better so that he won’t have to talk to other girls again ?
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    But what if I let him go and he doesn’t do it to the next person or becomes a prince for the next one. What if he changes after marriage because marriage is the only thing mentioned in the Bible. ?
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    No he initiated the talk about marriage and wanting to. Sexual inter course with one and flirty/sexual texting with two others
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    Sexual intercourse with one woman a couple of time and flirty/sexually sexting with a couple of others but he was apologetic and was very sorry.
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    Yes agreement to be in an exclusive relationship. He was in sexual intercourse with one woman and messaging flirty/sexually with a couple of others.
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    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    hello- please let me know what you think. My boyfriend cheated on me but apologized and begged for me to stay with him, he had previously texted a couple of girl in a way I didn’t really like before but then he apologized and stopped. We aren’t married yet. He is a Christian man that does a lot...