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  1. D

    Living the Great Commission - What do we do and who tells us to do it?

    I dug two truths out of Barth. One, he believed that the resurrection is the most important thing that ever happened. Two, as such we should focus our lives on sharing the Gospel. Personally I believe (e.g. "intuition" ) that we should be clever, creative. intentional and intrepid in finding...
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    Living the Great Commission - What do we do and who tells us to do it?

    I knew somebody would say that. If we don't serve, where are we going to get the crowns that all the Mercedes drivers will be sporting.
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    Living the Great Commission - What do we do and who tells us to do it?

    Yes, that is totally right, good reminder. However, imho the following and other scriptures talk about David's reaction to deadly existential threats, such as the threats brought against Christians and people of good will by the scoundrels I referred to. I'm correct in praying against them...
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    Living the Great Commission - What do we do and who tells us to do it?

    Truth told, In my quiet times I'm too busy praying against darkness-driven people like Trump, Flynn, DeSantis, Conway, Mansion, Sinema and worst of all Putin. Back before Christmas, I grew concerned in my heart that Putin's Mongol bullying of Ukraine may well go out of control and wind up in...
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    Living the Great Commission - What do we do and who tells us to do it?

    Amen. We need a new denomination accountable to proven leaders at fostering faith in Christ and building Christian ethics, attitudes and behaviors. Forget the festering ones we suffer now. Crud, even the so-called "independent" churches have faltered, poisoned by Trump, false nationalism, and...
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    Living the Great Commission - What do we do and who tells us to do it?

    Fine words, thanks. "Just believe and receive, and wait for God's blessing, like the holy anointing oil flowing down Aaron' s beard." That's what the Apostolic Pentacostal says. But what about educated Christians? People at Gospel-believing seminaries show us how to cultivate a relationship...
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    Living the Great Commission - What do we do and who tells us to do it?

    Mainstream educated Christians should have noticed by now that there are two basic approaches to Christian service pointed out to us both by the Bible, ourselves, and Christian teachers. The first one is "Hold your breath and try an approach you dream up. God will guide you, bless what you're...
  8. D

    Can secular rock songs be used for evangelism if one changes the lyrics?

    Always thought this song was disrespectful to Jesus. Turns out, 1966 when it was written, some circles said 'Just Alright" to mean "Really Fantastic" and "Outasight". Yes, He is outasight but always logged in to whatever magnificent network He uses to shepherd his sheep.
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    Can secular rock songs be used for evangelism if one changes the lyrics?

    Ah, Chuck Girard and the Love Song. Used to see them at the Salt Company. Good example of a Godwink. Talented guy, good heart, decent upbringing, energy, ambition, good people skills, and faith in Christ. God pulled these things together to make Christ cool for the Baby Boomers. Is Kanye...
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    Can secular rock songs be used for evangelism if one changes the lyrics?

    Never been a pro musician and I'm no Springsteen by a long shot. But I can write songs and lyrics like ringing a bell. Wish I could do something with it. Joined the wrong church I guess.
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    Can secular rock songs be used for evangelism if one changes the lyrics?

    Funny, I was born in '52, took guitar lessons with Ernie Ball around 1967. First it was surf music, then folk, Beatles, Supremes, Jethro Tull, Jefferson Airplane and on it went. Saw the Doors at my high school. Who would think that Ray Manzarek, brains of the Doors, would also produce the...
  12. D

    Can secular rock songs be used for evangelism if one changes the lyrics?

    As we know, the name rock and roll came from Afro America slang meaning "sexual intercourse", to your point. I think your comment is quite apropos. But as an evangelistic medium, let's say I was very down and out, lost my partner, work in a warehouse, drink too much, eat some weed, and can't...
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    Can secular rock songs be used for evangelism if one changes the lyrics?

    I'm not Vietnamese, but I know a great Vietnamese mortgage broker! But I may know you, my old friend Bob Zdenek?
  14. D

    Can secular rock songs be used for evangelism if one changes the lyrics?

    Is there truly something inherently evil about rock and roll music? Some decades ago an impossibly uncool evangelist named Larson made his case that rock and roll is no place for Christians. Looking back, I'm a lot more prone to agree with Larson than disagee. Me, who saw X play with The...