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  1. S

    Why did God create in six days? Does it not have any relation to Life-affirming Design?

    Why did God create in six days rather than in, say, ten days? Many Christians think the answer has nothing to do with the universal self-evidence of life-affirming Design. For, example, Ken Ham (1987) reasons, 'God is an infinite being. He has infinite power, infinite knowledge, infinite...
  2. S

    According to Hugh Ross, Eve, but not Adam, was a 'dumb' newbie

    It can seem that Genesis 1 implies that God created Man and Woman at the exact same time. After all, regarding the creation of the male and female animals of sea (Day Five), and of land (Day Six), the account seems to imply that their creation must have been at the same exact time: both male and...
  3. S

    Is the Cosmic Physics Hermeneutic of Genesis 1 theologically sound?

    By a universally normal everyday reading, the first 12 verses of Genesis 1 constitute explicit information on the Earth as a life-supporting ecology. Thus, even vs. 1-2 plainly and directly refer to the beginning of that Earth. But Henry Morris popularized the idea that vs. 1-3, instead of...
  4. S

    When were the luminaries created?

    INTRODUCTION The thread, 'Genesis 1 and 2 ~ Creation', is a broad topic, and I am psychologically-cognitively unable to keep track of the parts of that thread that relate directly to the question of 'when were the luminaries created according to Genesis 1?' So I've begun the present thread as...