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  1. L

    Mega Churches - Opinions?

    Jesus loved everyone without exception and if we could even love others 1% of what Jesus love us the world wouldn't need mega churches. There is a herd mentality within our world today in so many levels outside of the Christian churches, yet what concerns me most is the herd mentality within the...
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    Mega Churches - Opinions?

    The Bible tell of Jesus telling a wealthy individual to sell all that he has and give it to the poor and to follow Jesus. The individual couldn't give up his wealth, his worldly possessions which provided a false psychological safety net, to follow Jesus who created him. Jesus ran the...
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    I'm 16 and my mom tries to ban me from worshipping God

    Hello Boy15boy you're a very brave warrior of God and an inspiration. The word of God, the Bible that is, can be summed up with one word, Love. No matter what someone does, says or demands you to do or not to do, love them with the Love Jesus gives you. Jesus died on the cross for all of us and...
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    I Don't Like Men

    Hello I had similar attitude toward women when I was younger due to many abuses from my mother and other women. Much later in life I read a book, sorry I can't recall the tittle, but it simply asked me to answer a simple question when dealing with any situation in life. "How are you...
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    Just a simple walk with Jesus at my side.

    Just a simple walk with Jesus at my side.
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    The word instructs us to pray for wisdom and God provides abundantly. So does wisdom only come...

    The word instructs us to pray for wisdom and God provides abundantly. So does wisdom only come from experience and time or is it give by God?
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    I would look at that comment very differently, the closer I walk with Jesus the more I think...

    I would look at that comment very differently, the closer I walk with Jesus the more I think according to his will and Jesus changes me, as I am powerless without Jesus and can't change myself other than to surrender to Jesus.
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    Part One of Testimonials Hello, my name is Leonard L. Norling and Jesus Christ gave me A Second...

    Part One of Testimonials Hello, my name is Leonard L. Norling and Jesus Christ gave me A Second Chance. As Christians we often overlook our own lives and the testimonies of Jesus in our lives. Countless people have called me to share my testimony and I am quite fine to give all glory to my...
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    Testimonials of Jesus Christ greatness Part Three redemption of the sinner's past

    I prayed for God's will to be done while in prison with a three-part prayer, 1 to continue to minister in prison, or release through 2, clemency or 3, a change in the law. I was a free man, outside of prison even if I was on parole, I considered myself free. God changed the law regarding the...
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    Testimonials of Jesus Christ greatness Part two

    Part two of Testimonials of Jesus Christ greatness. "Jesus, I surrender to you, my life, my all. I don't know what your will is for my life, to continue to minister in prison until death or your return, release through clemency or release through a change in the law? Jesus let your will be done...
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    Testimonials of Jesus Christ greatness.

    Part One of Testimonials Hello, my name is Leonard L. Norling and Jesus Christ gave me A Second Chance. As Christians we often overlook our own lives and the testimonies of Jesus in our lives. Countless people have called me to share my testimony and I am quite fine to give all glory to my...
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    A big Hello

    Hello to all on the Christian Chat this is LeoForChrist here just giving a shoutout to say hi.
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    What is the greatest difficulties for the person that is a Christian single? Besides finding a soul mate.
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    Is there a chance to find a partner at my age of 42

    Hey LeoForChrist, I am 45 and as of late had that exact question pop up in my thoughts. In fact it continues to pop up and disrupt my thought processes. I continually pray, surrendering this question to God knowing He answers prayers, and I keep a opened mind to God's will for my life and not my...