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  1. T

    Need some feedback on parenting a 19 year old college daughter

    Thank you for all of the replies everyone. She was kicked off of the team. We are only getting her side, but I believe she did a lot of lying to the coach and was irresponsible. We constantly catch her lying to us. Just today, she lied to us about going to class. We found out she's missed a...
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    Need some feedback on parenting a 19 year old college daughter

    That, in and of itself, isn't a big deal. It's the whole package. Interracial marriages are tough enough. No marriage has a perfect set of circumstances. But this one would be loaded with mountains from the get-go.
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    Need some feedback on parenting a 19 year old college daughter

    Here are the red herrings: 1. He is from a completely different culture than her. She's upper middle class, he's working poor. 2. His mother is deceased, his father is a former convict, remarried, and never sees the young man. 3. His grandparents have raised him, and even they are divorced...
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    Need some feedback on parenting a 19 year old college daughter

    That's difficult. If I was her "friend", I would say "Hey I don't know about that, but do what you think you must." If I was a parent, I would say "Your mother and I don't feel that is in your best interest, so we are going to need to figure out a different plan going forward." I think we...
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    Need some feedback on parenting a 19 year old college daughter

    We sent our daughter to a small, private Christian college. She is completing her freshman year. She originally went there to play a sport, but she is no longer playing the sport. Most of the kids at this school play a sport. She would have not gone to this school without the sport. Now that...
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    Mega Churches - Opinions?

    Christ's church is a megachurch, and according to his final command, the more mega, the better.
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    Sex before marriage

    so I had sex when I was 14 to a girl that I didn't even know, and never saw again. That was "it" for me? What about the next 11 that I slept with during me years of immorality, before I got married?
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    Will my son find his love someday?

    So this is my first post. I am glad I found this forum. My son is a 22 year old senior accounting major at a large university. He is a dedicated Christ follower, and in fact I would even classify him as a biblical scholar. He is tall, well-built, handsome, witty, loving, gentle. He will...